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Lens not Firing.


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<p>Good evening everyone.<br>

I got a Hasselblad 500/C with a 80mm 2.8 Planar lens.<br>

Used it normally the past week but today something really odd happened.<br>

I can fire the shutter, mirror goes up, curtain opens. Lens diaphragm is set at desired F/stop for preview, it shuts when firing.<br>

But the lens is not working at any shutter speed! It just closes the blades when i press the shutter, no matter what speed i set the lens.<br>

I took then lens off, made sure the drive shaft (that screwdriver shapped thing) is lined with the red dot, both body and lens.<br>

Then, i fired the lens using my finger and it worked!!!<br>

Ok, i manually cock the lens shutter, put the it back on, fire the body shutter with no back on so i can see thru the curtain and it works!!!<br>

After that i wind the crack, everything is set again, i press the shutter... shutter speed doesnt work again, the lens blades shut and thats it<br>

Once again, lens off, i press the shutter trigger on the lens and it works normally.<br />I cant figure out what the problem is, anyone experience this problem?<br>

Any suggestion/help will be greatly appreciated!<br /><br />Thank you very much!</p>


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<p>I haven't used my 'blads in a while, but you may need film in the back if the back is attached and you haven't made provision for multiple exposures. If that is the case, there may be some "small print" in the manual that describes that requirement. I'll be watching the thread to see if someone else can shed some light on the issue.</p>
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<p>Thank you for your reply, Stephen, but i believe thats not really the case.<br>

Having film in the back or not, or even having the back itself attached wont influence on shutter/aperture tests on the lens/body. Just the body itself and the lens are enough. <br>

Lets keep following the thread and see what everyone might say! </p>

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<p>Well, I am not a Hassy man. The cameras are too complicated for me. (grin) When analysing your problem it looks like the shutter only works after manual cocking. The shutter does not release after using the crank. That would suggest the crank action does not pull far enough to fully wind the shutter and let it catch. The spring will release right away. When you cock manually you do wind far enough to let the shutter catch. Then it stays cocked and the shutter can be released normally. It would mean your camera is out of spec and needs an adjustment.</p>
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<p>I'm surprised no one who actually uses a Hasselblad has replied. You might want to try the Hasselblad group on Flickr. I had a similar problem but it was caused by the film magazine. In other words, with the mag off, the shutter worked fine. Using a change bag, I took the film out and put it back in. Worked OK after that. </p>
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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>UPDATE:<br /><br />I took my Hassy to the store to get it fixed.<br>

The guy said when he fixed my Zeiss 80mm lens, he tested it (therefore "calibrated") it with his 500c/m body while mine is a 500C. <br />Apparently, this makes ALL and every difference, so this time he asked me to leave both, camera and lens with him.<br>

I got it back 3 days later, and now it works like a charm, i actually developed 3 rolls of Portra films since then and they all came out as expected.<br /><br />Thank you all for your answers!<br /><br />Heres a picture i took with it after i got my Hassy back, taken at the University i study at, UFRJ.<br /><br /><br /><br>

THANK YOU!!! <br>

<a title="Library - My first Hasselblad film developed!!! by Raffy Carvalheira, on Flickr" href=" Library - My first Hasselblad film developed!!! src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7285/16311979253_8f901b485f_z.jpg" alt="Library - My first Hasselblad film developed!!!" width="639" height="640" /></a></p>

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