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magazine commission - pricing?


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<p>I have recently been contacted by a very reputable UK magazine, who is running a feature spread on a prominent individual. This magazine normally sends out their own photographers - But for this one, sourcing out. My work has always been within private commissions and never via a magazine commission. I am meeting with the magazine in the coming few days and one of the things they emphasised is discussing the budget (of course) prior to moving forward with the shoot. I am totally unsure what fee to put forward. Do I ask what budget they have? I would appreciate replies on how one would price such a shoot. JDo I price in rights? Magazine circulation? Use of images again? Many thanks</p>
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I have to say, I find the quoted rates generous for these cash-strapped times. If you are going to be able to do the job in one day (no hotel bills, air tickets or excessive travel costs), on your own (i.e. without hiring assistants) and without renting a studio or equipment, I would think off the top of my head that £250 to £300 would be a ballpark figure. The main thing (if you can manage it) is to sell the magazine first serial rights, i.e. you keep copyright and the right to make further sales. As you can see from the price guide, a lot depends on how big the magazine is.</p>

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