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Working For Someone Full Time, Using My Photography


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<p>Hello everyone. I just joined and have been gleaning the wealth of information here. Thanks for everyones contributions.<br>

I used the search function to find out what I can do as a photographer, working full time for another company (non-photography business) that will ultimately benefit from my photography work, but couldn't find anything. <br>

So here's my situation:<br /><br />I have a full time photography and contract business. I also have another full time job as a director for another company that isn't in the photography industry.<br>

In my last job, I managed all of the marketing, production, content, and design operations for them. This job I have now, I don't have the bandwidth to do the design and production side (as much as I love doing it). However, I will be asserting that we have better imagery so that means I'll be behind the camera. <br>

What I want is to have control over my images and how they're used and to the extent that they are used.<br>

I imagine I have two choices - separate my photography business completely or come up with a defined guidelines melding and separating my photography and the business.<br>

I've considered discussing and creating a set of guidelines to control the use of my images for the company. <br>

I would love to hear any advice or experience of what I should do in this type of situation.</p>


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<p>I work as a Photographer and I also am a Director of a Company (see my profile here for more background).</p>

<p>Apropos Taxation and Business Structure these two are separate the entities: Me as a Contract Photographer; Me as a Director and Employee of a Company. I assume this is the same for you.</p>

<p>I could contract (as a contract employee) ‘Me as a Contract Photographer’ to do either long term or ad hoc work for ‘The Company’. I assume you could do that too.</p>

<p>However, I glean that when you write: <em>“I also have another full time job as a director for another company that isn't in the photography industry”,</em> that the <em>“another company”</em> is a public company, that is to say it is NOT <strong>your</strong> Company? <br>

<strong>Perhaps you could clarify that point, please. </strong><br>

(the exact technical description of the different types of Companies, differ from place to place) </p>

<p>It would also assist to know your location, as applicable legislation; business structures and practices, differ from place to place around the world.</p>


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