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Nikon Wednesday 2015: #8

Matt Laur

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<p><strong><em>Important:</em></strong> please keep your image under 700 pixels on the longest side for in-line viewing, and <em><strong>please keep the FILE SIZE UNDER 300kb</strong></em>. Note that <strong>this includes photos hosted off-site</strong> (at Flickr, Photobucket, your own site, etc).<br /><br />Are you <strong>new to this thread?</strong> The general guidelines for these Wednesday threads are <strong><a href="/nikon-camera-forum/00W7km" rel="nofollow">right here</a></strong>:<a href="/nikon-camera-forum/00W7km" rel="nofollow">http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00W7km</a>. This forum's moderators are allowing up to three images per week, so share some work!</p>


<p>Having had my fill of icy, wintery photos off and on for the last many Nikon Wednesdays, I was pawing through some older images with an eye towards better tagging and organizing them. Came across this out-take from a portrate session starring two of my favorite creatures. We're all a little grayer, now. Got anything good from the time machine? Share!</p><div>00d9AQ-555185584.jpg.9aea80e184ba773554c0048b161931a1.jpg</div>

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<p>Hello everyone! Mine was taken just yesterday, but with a mix of old and new equipment. I just bought a fotodiox 4x5 to Nikon F adapter and mounted my Nikon D800 to my Toyo 4x5C w/ Rodenstock 210mm macro-sironar-N MC and here are the results. I love the "look" of these myself.</p><div>00d9Am-555186484.jpg.d50c2c734f87542cf0a480957f0fb542.jpg</div>
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<p>balanced rock called "der Schwammerling", Upper Austria<br>

"Schwammerl" is slang for mushroom, german, only in Austria though.<br>

so translated word by word it should be something like "the mushroom-ling" or something, just for your understanding.</p>

<p>those balanced rocks usually move..well wobble. in german they are called "wackelsteine",<br>

which losly translates to "wobble-stones".</p>

<p>this one doesn't wobble.<br>

legend has it, that napoleon's army tried to pull it down but failed. since then, however, this rock does not wobble anymore nor wiggle about, like so many other balanced rocks still do.<br>

standing next to them, feeling those enormous rocks move indeed does feel a little weird...they are h u g e.</p>

<p>sorry for this wall of text, i just felt the need to explain something to this photo.</p>

<p>nikon d3, 24-70 @ around 35-50 i guess, iso 200, f 5.6<br>

foto linked from my tumblr blog: http://nwfoto.tumblr.com/<br>

<img src="http://40.media.tumblr.com/3ba1d92a880b725dfc384d9ffe379dd1/tumblr_nk17bcz3w91tipmvdo1_1280.jpg" alt="" width="1200" height="838" /></p>

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<p>My wife and I talked for many years about someday owning a convertible, and I always loved cars from the thirties. When this retro Chrysler PT GT showed up on the front row at our local Dodge dealer's lot in 2006, it seemed a perfect opportunity. We shared 126,000 fun miles with it over the next few years, traveling far and wide under the smear of sun block.</p><div>00d9Co-555197984.jpg.89e6923c8aa465da1332322373ea903e.jpg</div>
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<p>August 1986, our honeymoon. We spent 6 weeks on this bike visiting Expo '86 in Vancouver and touring the Canadian west. It was shot on Kodak film with a Minolta SRT 202, a Rokkor 50mm 1.4, and scanned with a Nikon LS 9000.</p><div>00d9EJ-555200284.jpg.701e0de57bca4ee8e7c5c6320e60725a.jpg</div>
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