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Zeiss Ikonta 520/18 (baby)

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<p>I would remove the lens front cell assembly and the shutter faceplate to see what's (not) going on.<br /><br />The precise details of how to do that would depend on which lens and shutter types are fitted- according to Camera-wiki <a href="http://camera-wiki.org/wiki/Baby_Ikonta">The Zeiss Ikon Ikonta 520/18 ... came equipped with a variety of lenses and shutters ...</a><br /><br />The general principle would be to remove the focus ring (often retained by grub screws needing precision/jeweller's screwdrivers) after carefully noting the orientation of the lens front cell in the Infinity position for reassembly, as the front cell(s) would have to be unscrewed.<br />There is likely to be more variety in the types of shutter fastenings; the Derval shown in the Camera-wiki page appears to have a pair of straightforward front mounted screws, but for more complex ones you might need to 'google' around for hints.<br>

I hope that helps.</p>

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<p>Is it maybe already cocked? I found twice with really old ones tha the "T" setting is engaged and thshutter is just stuck. Nudging the shutter release gently you will hear tick. This is a sign. Then, ever so gently push till the ticking stop then the shutter will release... it might even scare you when it fires </p>
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