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Zeiss Contax 50mm Rear Caps- A Hard One To Find

Greg M

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<p>For anyone here who uses a Contax rangefinder and uses multiple lenses, where the heck do you, or did you (?) finder a Zeiss rear cap for when the 50mm lens is not mounted on the camera? I just received my 21mm f4.5 Biogon. Of course, the rear cap from it doesn't fit the rear of the 50mm f2 Sonnar at all and I have had no luck searching eBay and the like using terms like "Zeiss Contax 50mm rear caps" among many other iterations. Right now I just have the 50 sitting inside the 21 rear cap, but I'd rather find a 50mm cap, assuming they exist out there somewhere.</p>

<p>I have seen the lens price list from 1961 that shows the lenses, caps, cases and such, but the catalog number next to the 50mm rear caps (20.0600) doesn't seem to ever bring up anything in a search and I can see the rear cap for this 21 doesn't have a catalog number listed on it like the shades do.</p>

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<p>I have a similar problem with some vintage lenses, and <em>my interim solution</em> is to save plastic bottle / jar tops in the hope that some will fit, possibly with an old microfibre cloth (etc) to wedge them on . . . then I put them in a bag made from an old sock! Some such solutions have now become permanent.</p>
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<p>I found these on eBay through a seller called nobbysparrow. They are of good quality and fit perfectly. I don't know if they are still available, but they were new and being made for Contax and Nikon RF 50 mm lenses. The genuine Zeiss item is hard to find and expensive when you do...</p>
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<p>If I remember correctly from research a year ago , the Voigtländer Bessa mount is the same, so in a pinch you can get rear lens caps for them (at a substantial premium as I also recall).<br>

Kiev caps will definitely do as well.<br>

The caps for wider angle lenses need to be very deep.</p>

<p>I got mine, however, from nobbysparrow almost a year ago to the day.</p>

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<p>Be aware that Voigtlander Bessas come in several flavors--mostly Leica screw mount or Leica M bayonet, with discontinued versions that had Nikon RF or Contax RF mounts. CameraQuest carries new back lens caps for telephoto Contax/Nikon RF and for wide angle also, but not for 50 mm which is a different mount. The alternative plastic WA caps won't work on a Zeiss 21/f/4.5 Biogon. They also sell body caps, another very scarce Zeiss item. Another eBay vendor (heavystar) frequently has much less expensive tele/wide Contax/Nikon RF rear caps. Good luck!</p>
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<p>Will these work? I just noticed that they are not for the 50mm. I have bought from Heavystar in the past on Ebay and their prices are very good and so is the quality. I did not see one on his site right now. <br>

<br /><br /><br /> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rear-Lens-Cap-Deep-for-Nikon-S-Contax-rangefinder-Wide-/361175525675?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5417bd292b</p>


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<p>Michael: Those will work w/external mount Contax or Nikon RF wides & teles, respectively.</p>



<p>Will these work? I just noticed that they are not for the 50mm. I have bought from Heavystar in the past on Ebay and their prices are very good and so is the quality. I did not see one on his site right now.</p>


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