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Insurance for my Camera Equipement Only


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<p>I am not getting anywhere here coming up with some suggestions for insurance companies.<br>

I don't care about liability I just what my $7000 worth of gear insured for everywhere I travel in and outside the USA, for breakage, for theft and mysterious disappearance.<br>

I had and add on to my homeowners policy through State Farm, but they dropped me because of two claims totaling about $800 almost two years apart. So an add on to my homeowners policy is out.<br>

I don't need any liability insurance and I don't want to join a photographers association.<br>

Please provide some suggestions for insurance companies that do this.<br>


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<p>I haven't found a policy yet that considers "mysterious" loss of your gear to be something they'd cover. Or if so, such a policy would be so expensive that you're better off just sticking that several hundred dollars per year (and what you'd have to pay in the way of a deductible in the event of a claim) into a money market account and just let it pile up. I know I'd hate to lose $7000 worth of equipment ... but I'd also hate to lose that same amount in the way of insurance premiums over the course of just a few years, and have nothing to show for it. There's a reason that a lot of businesses "self insure" when it comes to equipment like that. Don't forget that the premiums would be even higher still if you expect a claim to not be reduced by the very rapid depreciation of modern photographic equipment.</p>
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<p>Nope, not military or x military. My homeowners personal property policy covered everything anywhere in the world including insurance for shipping for $8/month. I guess it wasn't real insurance because State Farm dropped me like a hot potato for using it twice. </p>
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