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Sony A7R takes minutes to load !

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<p>The camera is<br>

Body:ILCE-7R<br />VER. : 1.02<br>

Lens was fe 35mm 2,8 Zeiss<br />Ver.01<br>

Everytime I got a new camera I love to take it to a trip.<br />I spend the last week in Boston, and everytime I see a beautifull punk or a strange tourist and I try to take a fast picture of them the A7R became iresponsive.<br>

This is how it's happen. I alway put the A7R at off to save the batteries.<br>

When I saw something I put it to ON, wainting to see the picture on the LCD, and put the trigger. Nothing, waiting one-two seconds, nothing. something it takes minutes (well, maybe 30 seconds) before finally getting the picture taked and the Punk/Tourist is long way away.<br>

I try anything with setting, the best setting, is no image on the lcd, only information and the eye in the efv when the image apperars (2s after powered the camera) I can take the picture.<br>

But even, with no image in the lCD when I don't get the eye in the evf I can get a picture.<br>

Did someone here had the same problem and did you find a solution ?<br>

Thank You!</p>




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As nobody had replied yet & though I haven't used any Sony A7 camera ...


The obvious solution is turn on the camera the-time-it-takes-to-boot seconds sooner when taking a photo. Or more practically, keep the camera already on & carry spare batteries.


"But even, with no image in the lCD when I don't get the eye in the evf I can get a picture." -- Denis B.


Is that a problem? Your camera might be configured, possibly by yourself, to use only EVF for photo taking to reduce battery consumption.

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<p>I use both my NEX-7 & RX10 in basically the same way. My solution is that I never turn the camera off, I just let it go in to sleep mode. Start up time is greatly reduced, and since power saver start time is a user variable, battery drain is minimal. That said, it does seem from your description that your camera is taking longer than it should to fully power on.</p>
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I have a Sony a7, not a7R, but I have t

had a problem like this. From off to

ready it takes usually a few seconds. I

tend to leave it on.



If you don't already, I highly

recommend the "wasabi" brand spare

batteries and charger. It's good to

have a spare.



Another thing you might check is your

memory card. The camera needs to

read it to see how many shots are left,

etc, when it starts. Maybe your card is

very full and fragmented, or old and

slow, or failing -- SD cards don't last


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<p>@Mark, I post my question in Minolta/sony forum but the moderator move it here ;-(<br>

@Bebu I try tofind if it's a "feature" or a problem with my personal camera<br>

@Ben Someone post on another forum point that happen when switching lens or battery, the next power-up, the camera analyse the new equipment<br>

<br />@CC I do have the 1.02 last firmware.</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...
<p>I have the latest firmware on my Sony a7r. Starting the camera up when I haven't used it for a while takes relatively long. First the LCD stays black, then I see the image on the LCD and then, seconds later, the focus box and the other information appears and I can start using the camera. It's slow, but only the first time. For me it's not a problem at all, since I work slow and relaxed with the a7r. Just like I did in the past with my Pentacon Six, Yashica 124G, Mamiya C330, Hasseblad 500cm, Mamiya RB67 and Mamiya RZ67. I don't need to quickly turn the camera on to grab a photo. However, I can imagine that it is a problem for some people. I doubt Sony has a solution for it. Maybe in a future firmware update.</p>
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<p>My A7r (with latest firmware) is very annoyingly slow to start up after it's been off for a while. If it's just been off for a few minutes it's very fast. So I end up turning it off and on to save battery and have no problems if it's a short while between the last picture. The slow start if it's been off for a while (not sure how long it has to be off for "a while" to come into effect) is one of the annoying A7R features that Sony really should fix among many of the A7R annoying features. Great camera, but really rough around the edges as they say.</p>
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