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How to attract photographers to list their profolio on a website for free?

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<p>My name is Sheila. I'm a Vietnamese and English teacher living in Saigon. I've recently had a new job to pursue my hobby, in which I work for a website which hosts a directory of photographers, photography suppliers and photography clubs and groups. My job is to send out invitations to these people, inviting them to add a free entry / advert to the directory and I have a quota of responses generated to meet. <br>

Unfortunately, after sending hundreds of emails, I failed to get interest from any of the above parties. I don't know what went wrong. I don't know if my emails are appealing enough to them. My life pretty much depends on this right now. So if any photographers out there know what would sound good enough for you to reply to an email or what would be cool to you to add to my email to arouse interests, please let me know. Any tips as to if I should pursue a direct mail approach or if there are any other ways of telling people about this would be highly appreciated. By the way, I'm glad to be a member of this forum and ready to make new friends. <br>

Thanks a lot.<br>


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The problem is that you're offering something for free, which means that your company has to be making its money in

some other way. Most people will assume that you plan to sell the information you collect from the businesses you collect,

which will result in those people getting spam they don't want to see. If you're not making it very clear how the people

you're contacting will directly benefit from giving you their information, then most will assume that it's not worth providing

info to someone that doesn't have a solid sounding business plan and an audience that will spend money.

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<p><em>"I don't know if my emails are appealing enough to them."</em></p>


<p>It might have little to do with the tone or content of your email and everything to do with a saturated industry offering similar services fighting for the same customer-base. </p>


<p><em>"My life pretty much depends on this right now."</em></p>


<p>If your respondent rate is 0% and you need a substantially higher percentage return to make a living, it might be prudent to reexamine the feasibility of the business plan or reconsider your involvement in it. </p>

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<p>If I want to publish my work online, it goes on Flicker, this website (<a href="http://www.photo.net">www.photo.net</a>), <a href="http://www.artsyhome.com">www.artsyhome.com</a> . . .or my professional website at <a href="http://www.quietlightphoto.com">www.quietlightphoto.com</a>. If I wish to enter my work in juried shows there are CaFE and Artthingy.</p>

<p>Why should a photographer put their work online with you? . . .Tell us why it would be in our interest to place our work online with your company (I intend this statement to be collegial and cordial).</p>

<p>Best wishes in your efforts.</p>

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