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adobe cs 4


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OK my Canon friends. I took everyone's advice regarding the cleaning of the rubber and the 1 Ds Mark 3 sold. Many many thanks. The advice worked simply great! It couldn't have turned out better and the camera looked perfect!


OK, I have Photoshop CS-4. I can't open the 5d Mark 3 in RAW. I can't get anymore updates from Adobe. They no longer

support CS-4. I called them. Grrrrr. They are such jerks. Can anyone lead me to a site somewhere or send me an email with the directions on how to update?


Email is savagesax@aol.com.


Thank you all in advance my fellow friends.

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<p>You could hunt down a copy of CS5.1. That's what I'm using, and it reads 5D mk III files.</p>

<p>LR 4 or 5 can read them too. If you have that you can export the files direct from LR to Photoshop. It turns the file into a PSD file.</p>

<p>And, as Howard suggests, Adobe has a RAW-to-DNG converter that works. I've used it, it's klunky but it did the job. It used to be a free download.</p>

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<p>If you're not willing to buy the PS upgrade, the best alternative is to use Canon's DPP 3.14x. Not as elegant as LR or Aperture but the basic RAW conversion is excellent and often the default looks better than LR. It only has global adjustments but the lens correction and digital optimization are excellent. Once the basic adjustments are saved, convert to TIFF and open in PS4 for further adjustments if needed.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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I have the Lightroom program. I never thought of using it! I also had no idea about the DNG. I should also

look into the Canon software. I never though about this either.


I have PS-6, but I haven't worked with it very much. Just trying to crop an image is kind of weird, because

you have to move the image, not the cropping tool. I was able to pick up PS-6 before the Cloud version cane

out. I think that was actually kind of nasty that Adobe is now "Renting," their programs. $10 a month is

actually a decent deal, but I'd rather own the disc.


Thank you everyone for your help. I knew you all would lead me in the right direction. This group is really

great. bob

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<p>CS4 (PS 11) - Announced by Adobe on 9/23/2008 - shipped Nov. 2008, <br /> I wouldn't call Adobe "jerks" for not supporting old SW -- esp. since they have more than 2 versions newer than that one.<br>

<br /> CS6 (PS 13) shipped over two years ago (the one I use). Good luck and enjoy the DNG convertor.</p>

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