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Nikon P7800 Video: Difference between 1080*("star")/30p and 1080/30p settings?


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<p>Page 30 of the Nikon P7800 Reference Section of the manual titled, "Qual Movie Options" gives this information:</p>

<p>Option (Image size/ Frame rate, File format)<br>

1080*/30p 1080*/25p (default setting)<br>

1920 × 1080 (High)</p>

<p>1080/30p 1080/25p<br>

1920 × 1080</p>

<p>So the difference between 1080*("star")/30p and 1080/30p settings is that the 1080*("star")/30p setting says "High". High what? High quality? Does that mean less compression? The manual does not elaborate. Files shot in each of the two settings seem to be the same size for the same length of take. Anybody got an answer?</p>

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<p>I would assume that it means the least amount of compression. You may notice a difference in file size with more complex subjects, though that is a bit of a guess.</p>

<p>According to the manual, you can grab individual frames from video in-camera. So you might be able to tease out the differences by shooting video of the same subject with both options and extracting individual frames. </p>

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<p>I posted the same question on another forum and received an explanation for the 1080*("star") setting over the regular 1080 setting; movie bitrate. The movie bitrate is likely higher for the 1080*("star") or "High" setting. Apparently manuals for other Nikon compact cameras spell this out, unlike the P7800 manual. Why Nikon would choose to omit this information from the P7800 manual is a mystery to me.</p>
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