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Won't wind correctly and won't fire


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<p>I recently bought a Mamiya 645 1000s. Here's my issue...<br /> I load a roll of film in, wind to the "1". I can fire off one shot. I start winding to shoot again and it'll wind a little bit and then it feels like the winder loses grip with a gear and just spins, so I can't fire off any other shots.<br /> If I open the back to see what's happening while the film back is loaded, it winds perfectly fine, no issues. If i leave the camera on Multi and shoot. Obviously it doesn't wind, but it will fire correctly. Once I close the back up, it'll wind maybe 1/4 a turn or less and then it'll just spin.<br /> The gears look fine to me, no missing teeth or anything. I was told on purchase that it was working and just CLA'ed.<br /> Any suggestions? Am i missing something or is there actually a problem here. I may just have to return it, but the seller (ebay) has a ton of ratings near perfect, so I thought I'd be fine.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

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<p>Not sure, it could be the crank itself... I had 2 go bad on me, but since your camera has been CLA'ed it could be something else.</p>

<p>Are you shooting with the prism-finder or without ? If you are shooting without the Prism finder and you have the shutter speed dial on the left of the camera set to red-dot position the shutter will lock. It should be set to a number 1/60, 1/250, 1/1000 etc.</p>

<p>Make sure the little switch next to the word "MULTI" is pointed in the up position that is pointing to the white dot, not the word MULTI.</p>

<p>Make sure the shutter release lock is aligned with the white dot not the red one. Are you sure your film is loaded correctly ?</p>

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<p>This is a familiar issue - the exact same happened one of the M645 1000s bodies I bought.</p>

<p>There is a real problem, which requires a bit of camera surgery to fix. A sprung piece in the winding mechanism must fall into place to make the winding cycle come to a stop: but whether through a tired spring or aged lubrication, that piece sticks. If this happens, the shutter is re-tensioned correctly as you wind on, but the film advances indefinitely - which is why the problem does not manifest itself when Multi is engaged, as the film never moves in a multi exposure.</p>

<p>So, send it back. The CLA may have been pretty superficial - they possibly never ran a film through it, and may have just set it to Multi to make sure that the shutter speeds were ok. But as I explained, that does not test the film advance. The other possibility is that the problem is intermittent - it was in my case. It sounds like you'll have no problem with that seller, but just in case, before you return it, video yourself winding it on, so as to have a record of the problem.</p>

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