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PhaseOne Hasselblad to Mamiya 645 afd Plate ?


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<p>No adapter plates; can't be done. For this to work, you'd have to physically strip the Hasselblad DB down to it's undies and re-dress it in Mamiya livery. This was possible with many Sinar and Imacon (later Hasselblad CF) DBs, but Phase One has never gone down that modular road.</p>

<p>Phase One do offer the concept of a "mount swap" - which sounds like they take your DB, remove some parts specific to camera "A" and fit new parts specific to camera "B". In fact, they do nothing of the sort; they just take your old DB away and give you a different DB of the same type and overall condition, in the mounting that you wanted. Unless the original DB is still covered by a "value added warranty" (itself costing $$$$ 4-figures per year), they charge a fortune ($2500) for this "mount swap".</p>

<p>When you think about what's actually happening - the fact that Phase One does no actual work on the DBs, and yet a lot money changes hands - you realise that this is a scheme where you trade in your 2010 Ford Focus (with grey seat covers) for another 2010 Ford Focus (with brown seat covers), and you pay $2500 for the different colour of the pre-existing seat covers.<br>

So they pocket your $2500, and then wait for someone to come along looking for grey seat covers. Then they give him your Focus, take his brown-covered Focus, and take his $2500. That's $5000 for doing nothing more than relaying a Focus (or in reality, a DB) between two owners.</p>

<p>Is it any wonder that Phase One always seems to turn an annual profit?</p>

<p> </p>

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