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Rollei Bay 3 Filters or 43mm with an adapter?


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I have a Rolleiflex 2.8F which uses Bay 3 (RIII) bayonet filters. For Bay 3 filters one can choose Rollei, B+W or Heliopan, when available, and when they are, they are quite costly.<br>

My question is this, I can pickup a Bay 3 to 43mm adapter by fotodiox and source new B+W circular filters for around $35.00/ea, or a few $$ more for MRC Multicoated. I always use the Rollei shade, and I heard that the 43mm adapter fits inside the rollei shade.<br>

The B+W Bay filters will run $62.00/ea. or the original Rollei filters can run a little less (or more) depending upon the condition.I'm looking for a yellow, orange and maybe a red one. <br>

Besides running me 30% more, and inherent advantages of the Bay 3 over the screw in? I'm sure that the adapter isn't of the same quality as the B+W filter thread, so I suppose I run the risk of the filter not coming off or jamming - maybe or maybe not?<br>

Or, should I just get the Bay 3 filters while I can? <br>

Any comments on this?</p>

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<p>For many years I used a series VI filter adapter and filters, which fit inside my Rollei Bay III hood. That worked fine, but for the last 10 years I've been using Bay III filters (two vintage Rollei and 2 B+W). They don't work any better, but they're more convenient. You have to decide whether the added convenience is worth a one-time added cost.</p>
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<p>Hello. For ages I have used Bay II adapters to either 49mm or 52mm threads. My "collection" of very good quality 35mm filters are used for the YashicaMat EM's or 124's that this BayII fits. If you are not horrified by using a "non" Rollei filter, go this way. Rubber lens shades in either thread size, or filters, are a lot cheaper. My cameras are "workers"...not show pieces. Bill</p>
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