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Mamiya 645 AFD differences ? Lenses any good ?


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<p>Im in the market for a new (secondhand) medium format camera and have been looking at the AFD series I saw the AFD with 80mm seems quite cheap but have seen there are also AFDII and AFDIII's. <br>

Just curious to know what are the differences between the 3 cameras and what is the auto focus like compared to say a Canon 5dmk2 which was pretty average when using lenses like the 50mm 1.2. <br>

Also while on the question about Mamiya I was curious to know what the quality of the lenses are like ? namely the 80mm 2.8 and the 150mm 3.5. <br>

Any problems to look out for when buying these cameras ?<br>

Im also looking at mamiya 6 and 7's but the auto focus has me looking towards the add and thats why ill prob get rid of my Bronica etrsi and keep my manual focus 35mm cameras</p>

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<p>Though I owned an AFD, I make no claims of being an expert on it. I will just state my experience with it. The link in the other answer gives much better details on the differences between the various series of the AF cameras, and I did not read through it all. To my knowledge, the main difference between the cameras is how well it works with a digital back. If your intent is to use a film back, the AF or the AFD is likely as good as any of the other bodies. </p>

<p>I had both the 80mm 2.8 and the 150mm lens. Both lenses seemed excellent to me. Auto focus is NOT the greatest on Earth. Slow and noisy. Not even in the same league as a Canon 5D MkII with Ultra Sonic lenses. If you think the auto focus on the Canon is "pretty average", you are going to HATE the Mamiya 645 AFD. It is certainly usable and mine never failed to focus, but it does not happen quickly or silently. </p>

<p>My camera never gave me any problems but I was never real crazy about the user interface. I had a cheap Mamiya 645E (manual focus) that was actually much easier to use, but my bad eyesight has forced me away from manual focus cameras. </p>

<p>Here is a photo taken with the 150 lens:<br>


<p>Here is a photo taken with the 80mm lens:<br>


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