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<p>I found photo.net by a Google search for how to mount gels on my Coolpix flash to change the color temperature. I'm not really a Nikon snob but I'm a member of nikonians.org and I've been using low end Nikon digitals for about 15 years. Before that it was Yashica 35mm, before that some old Kodak box cameras. I'm 60 and I've been taking pictures for 50 years, haven't sold any yet.<br>

My main website is http://ab1jx.1apps.com/pix/ or latest http://ab1jx.1apps.com/pix/walking_pictures/2014e/index.html and there's a photo intro there I wrote for Nikonians, as well as a bio and resume linked off the bottom of the pix page. There are hundreds of pictures, maybe a few good ones. I write the HTML the old fashioned way in a text editor, I've been doing that for almost 20 years.<br>

I'm retired/disabled and have to walk for exercise so I carry a camera and after I started posting pictures on Facebook a friend said I should be selling them. I'm doing some studying and rebuilding my portfolio in a higher megapixel format while looking into stock photo agencies. I was a habitual programmer and I've turned that to photography so I have to shoot something every day or I get cabin fever. I've shot 7000 pictures in 9 months even if it's just around the yard. "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." -- MARCEL PROUST from an Alain Briot book. My latest fascinations are sunsets and a yellow jacket nest which I'm watching them expand with a 1000 mm lens from my tripod in the driveway. Safely so far, they just ignore me.<br>

I can't afford most Nikon stuff so after some guys at Nikonians started pointing me at $1000 Gitzo tripods instead of answering my questions about my Velbon I got for free I decided to broaden my horizons. I've got a Nikon Coolpix P520, a P990 that's about 15 years old, and a camera board (5 megapixel?) for my Raspberry Pi computer. I've worked as a network administrator and an electronics technician before that. I'm a ham radio operator (not very active) but I use my callsign ab1jx as a web identity. I'm duplicating myself so I'll close.<br>

<br />Alan Corey</p>

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<p>Hi Alan, welcome to photo.net!<br>

The "there is always better gear for just a few $$ more" syndrome unfortunately lives everywhere; what you tell about your tripod question on the other forum is something I frankly see across many forums. The same might happen here, though in general things are very civil here :-)<br>

I'd say, show off your new eyes on the Nikon Wednesdays, always good to see fresh views on the world there!</p>

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<p>So does paying money here mean you get less advertising on pages you visit? This site isn't exactly modem-friendly, most pages are over 2 minutes to load and most of that is irrelevant um, stuff, loading. Nikonians is fast, only 1 ad per page. Same price.<br>

Yeah, I'm in about 40 Yahoo groups myself from garden tractors to computers to ham radio. Every time I'd have a question I'd have to join another group to post it. I'm weaning myself off Facebook, trying to get back to a world that isn't mostly popular gossip. I was posting pictures there and only got feedback if it was a picture of a place someone recognized. Electronics, computers, ham radio, photography I'd just get a blank stare. I'm a big OpenBSD fan BTW, have 1 Linux and 2 OpenBSD machines running most of the time.<br>

A Gimp user, I'm just trying to write my first plugin. It selects a range of colors rather than a single one. Red between r1 and r2, green between g1 and g2, blue between b1 and b2. Mostly for photography, for trying to select a whole tree or roof, etc by color rather than parts with each eyedropper click. I hope to have it do HSV and CMYK modes too. Spent many hours in quick mask about a month ago removing butterflies from their backgrounds, putting them on transparent backgrounds so they can be pasted into other pictures.<br>

<img src="http://images.nikonians.org/galleries/data/27035/medium/pr_bflies_600.jpg" alt="" width="400" height="400" /></p>

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