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City Nighttine Scapes

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<p>Today I presented 68 night photos of nifty stuff to the city tourism bureau, all taken within the city, all after dark, none showing a McD sign. These are places that tourists rarely find or see especially at night. The girl I presented these to was a knowledgeable person and showed high interest, she requested I send her four images for consideration.<br>

I am completely out of touch here price wise, the last time I did this was 1992. I received 350 dollars for use of one image for the printing of 2500 brochures containing my photo on the cover, it was an insurance company. <br>

Now I discover Tourist Bureaus do not buy photos, the advertizing company they use does (maybe) buy the ones the bureau is interested in. But my being out of touch all these years I need help with pricing. <br>

I have looked at the archives here but I find little that fits this. Any help is appreciated.</p>

<p>Thank you ,<br>

Gene T</p>

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<p>License-based pricing is based on how many copies, where the photo is placed, how prominent the photo is, how widely distributed the publication is, and how long they want to use the photo.<br>

Unfortunately few small companies/users have the money to pay those kinds of fees. The best approach I've found it to ask what their budget is, then decide if I can live with that amount of money. If they say $25 per photo, I generally walk away, if they say $250, I'm much more willing to talk.<br>

You are going to have to show your stuff to the art director or equivalent at the agency to get an answer to the "how much budget do you have" question. Can you find that person, perhaps through the person at the tourist board?</p>

<p><Chas><br /><br /></p>

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<p>Thank you Chas,<br>

I just heard from them, the offer is vague. They want to use 3, of the four they liked best. And are offering 250.00. I am assuming that's their offer for all three, but it does not say. If that's the case its a no go on my part. <br>

No one will be in their office until Monday. </p>

<p>Thanks for your reply,<br>


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