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Carl Zeiss Jena 180/2.8 Sonnar for Pentacon 6 service


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<p>Does anybody know where to have this lens serviced/repaired, best in Australia, but otherwise anywhere else? I just bought an otherwise great condition copy for a good price but it has some movement in the front end...a slight bit of play in the focus ring makes me think it's the focus mechanism.<br>

Many thanks for any help<br>


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<p>NO, but there are quite a few posts on various aspects of repair of this lens, e.g.,<br /> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfK8Q6SsDPQ</p>

<p>and more at<br /> <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=180mm+Sonnar+disassembly&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sb">https://www.google.com/search?q=180mm+Sonnar+disassembly&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sb</a></p>

<p>and other similar searches. Some of these P6 lenses seem to need a little looking after from time to time.<br>

http://www.mflenses.com/ used to have some Sonnar 180mm posts, but tho' I've got pdfs of them, the originals have been removed or moved.</p>

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<p>Thanks JDM<br>

Looking a bit closer there are a few inside marks from less than careful tool handling...the whole front element set seems to move in and out about 5mm if I tip the lens back and forwards...the hood screw thread must be dirty as it is very hard to twist off, but at the right angle of force it threads off effortlessly...I wonder if this stickiness has been the contributor to increasing the free play because it seems when it's tight, the next ring in from the hood sometimes seems to turn a little...I do think the lens may be worth keeping because it looks otherwise in very good shape...the auto aperture mechanism is a little hesitant (slow) which may have been a reason to open the lens initially, but as I'll be using it mostly wide or near wide open with manual stop down metering that won't matter too much...the lens/group shift...hmmm, not so sure...have been offered a refund from the seller who says he sells a few of these every month always in good working nick...<br>

Any ideas? I am wondering to find a repairer somewhere who can set it up right...from the inet posts it doesn't seem too hard, but still a bit out of my league.</p>

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Would you have any Russian camera repair shop or any mechanical camera repair shop in Australia? You might have to ship it out of the country for repair if you do not have any repair options in Australia.<br>

<br />There is a custom fabricator / repair shop doing business in Hong Kong who can work on it. I bought a custom Zeiss 180mm Olympia Sonnar remounted for my Hasselblad 2000 / 200 series bodies. I did business with them off eBay. Shop is named Lens Workshop.</p>

<p>If the front lens is rattling, it might be the front label band that is holding in the front element. If you have a pencil with the rubber eraser, you can use that to tighten up that band IF it is the band is NOT screw-in correctly. There are many good shops here in the US, if you don't mind shipping it in for repair.</p>



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