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35mm Equipment: Contax NX Lenses


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<p>Didn't know where this topic should go. I can't seem to post under Equipment.<br>

I think I bought the wrong lens for a Contax NX body: It is a Zeiss Planar C/Y lens: Planar f/1.4 50mm T lens, yet it has no electrical contacts for the NX body, which does ave these contacts. I also see on Ebay what looks like the same lens: Planar 1/4 50mm which DOES have electrical contacts shown.<br>

So is the latter not a C/Y lens? If a C/Y lens, such as the 1/4 I have, does not fit the NX body, is there an adapter for it that will allow it to fit and has the electrical contacts?<br>

This is all bewildering. My first venture into Contax.</p>

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I don't think you can mount C/Y lenses on an NX though you can mount 645 lenses with an adapter. I'm guessing the

registration distance was either the same or bigger on the NX. If an adapter were made it would have to include glass and

I'm not sure it ever was and I'm not sure you would want it if it were made.

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<p>Well thanks. I'm keeping both the NX body which the seller stated was Mint and had had one roll of film through it. It looks new out of the box. I got it for $91 so I'm keeping it. A lens cap for a Leica costs more. I'm also keeping the manual Planar T 50mm 1.4. That was $350.<br>

So, I have some interesting possibilities: buy a lens for the NX, I read a "Kit" Lens was usually on the NX when sold, and that's the only N-mount lens I've seen on Ebay or Amazon. I have seen Planar auto focus "Z" lenses, an 85mm and something else (not a 50mm) and IF they'd fit an NX they are far too pricey for me. The "kit" lens is the Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 28-80mm T lens f/3.5. Aside from the convenience I'm not thrilled with zoom lenses but this one has very good reviews and I saw some photos taken with it and really liked them. The price WITH another NX body (couldn't find one that was selling separately) was $300 - the body not as fine as the one I have so I'd put the lens on mine.<br>

Second possibility as someone mentioned is buying an RX body, also about $300 and some near $200 and then use the manual 1.4 50mm on that - and I've read some glowing reviews of the RX which also apparently has some "new-fangled" elements like Focus Indicator and Aperture Priority even with my Planar 1.4 which is, I believe, an AE as opposed to the later MM lenses. So, sounds interesting: manual SLR with some auto-like features.<br>

Right now I'm stuck in the 50-50 zone, each choice has for me equal positives and negatives. Be nice to have a fine zoom in Zeiss and the convenience for various shots but a BIG difference between f/1.4 and f/3.5 on that zoom. And the other choice is a "negative" of the first, seeming great fixed lens but just the 50mm. Course, C/Y lenses are really inexpensive so adding to the 50mm would not cost me my left arm and house.<br>

You are all more knowledgeable about Contax than I, who never had one. Any advice on these choices you could offer?<br>

Thanks so much!</p>


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<p>I've had the RTS 1 -- sweet camera but trouble prone and the electronics are unfixable. I've tried a RTS II but had bad luck with it too, though it's supposed to be more repairable.</p>

<p>I bought an RTS III used and had only problems with the viewfinder which I was able (eventually) to have fixed. Great camera, a pleasure to use but heavy. I also bought an Aria new and it's stayed working perfectly for decades. It's small and light and not as rugged feeling as the RTS III but I suspect the design is better. I use the Aria mostly with the 28-70 lens made for it which is also very light and the combination is a pleasure.</p>

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