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Anything better than or equal to KEH and ebay?


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"How do I know if someone in photo.net forums is scamming me? I don't see a rating system and someone just emailed me rather than keeping the conversation in a public forum. That seems pointlessly lacking in security, so maybe I'm missing something?" -- Michael B.


How does someone sending you a note translate into "pointlessly lacking in security"?

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<p>Another great source in my opinion is LensAuthority.com, the used equipment offshoot of LensRentals.com. You get very thorough descriptions and and lens even have resolutions checked. In some ways, a used lens from LensAuthority.com is a better bet than a new purchace.</p>


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<p>Parv: that's not how this sort of thing is done these days. Now we use seller/buyer/trading rating systems so that it can be possible to reference other people's opinions about whether or not a person is trustworthy. Changing this to an email-based system is very insecure because it encourages scam artists to use the forum, since there is no reason to protect your reputation.</p>

<p>Barry: I bought it from KEH today. The deal I was looking for: the best one available for equipment with no functional problems. I'm fairly sure that KEH turned out to be the best answer.</p>

<p>DL Anderson: Good information, but they don't have the lens I was looking for.</p>

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<p>I have purchased from KEH; never sold anything to KEH. Without hesitation and/or reservations, I would prefer KEH over eBay. The KEH price is comparable, and their grading is a benchmark for used equipment - very conservative. Some of the items I purchased were graded at EX (mechanically and cosmetically); when I received the item, I would think it is LN (Like New). I have not had a negative experience with KEH. The grading on eBay is very subjective, and often made by the seller. I must also add that eBay would have a vast range of equipment relative to KEH, and KEH would not have every item in their stock. Their staff is also excellent.</p>
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<p>We were discussing the classifieds system here which uses email earlier. For anyone curious about ratings systems for non-local trading/selling/buying forums, here's one of the simplest (but still effective) ones I've seen:<br>

<br /> <a href="http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Alexander26">This is a rating of a trader</a>. The important part is the green (positive) number and the red (negative) number. Every time a trade is finished, users rate each other. If one user has a 6 green ratings and the other has 140, the person with 6 has to send their item first. Then, after the person with 140 green ratings has received his/her item, he/she completes the deal. If no one has been cheated, both parties give each other a green rating. If things go poorly, at least one of them will give the other one a red rating.</p>

<p>The system at photo.net is ineffective because if I wanted to cheat someone, I would simply email everyone who wrote "WTB" and claim I had all or some of what they asked for, take their money, and then stop using that email address (though I really wouldn't even need to give up my email address.) If the trade took place in a forum instead, we could at least notice that a person has been accused of scamming repeatedly and that person would have to go to the bother of setting up a new account. That's not much deterrent, but it's a little bit. A standard ratings system like the one I described or like the one on eBay would make it much safer than a forum.</p>

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<p><a href="/photodb/user?user_id=664276">Conrad Smith</a><a href="/member-status-icons"><img title="Subscriber" src="/v3graphics/member-status-icons/sub10plus.gif" alt="" /></a>, Feb 17, 2014; 07:16 p.m.</p>



<p>I've had many dozens of good experiences buying used Nikon photo gear from KEH, B&H and Adorama.</p>



<p>Thanks so much for the Adorama feedback. [bTW all used items from Adorama rated D, E+, E, E- come with a 6-month warranty; V and G with a 90-day warranty - all include a 30-day returns period for refund or exchange].</p>

<p>Best wishes<br /> Helen Oster <br /> Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador<br /> Helen@adorama.com</p>

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<p>There are better ways than ebay and KEH is one of them. Good customer service and prices, superb warranty service. I once recieved a camera body from them 22 hours after I ordered it. I did buy a lens that had some problems, was given the option of a return or repair at no cost, not even shipping. It was back in my hands six days later.</p>

<p>Rick H.</p>

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<p>This is an update on KEH, and is based on personal experience. This update has NOTHING to do with KEH products, service, staff, pricing, grading, you name it - EXCEPT their shipping carrier FedEx. After my personal experience with FedEx, I am so full of loathing for this carrier FedEx, I would like to warn/inform KEH customers. I believe KEH uses FedEx - at least, I got FedEx as the carrier after I completed making my payment to KEH for my item. KEH sent me the FedEx tracking number, and it was to be delivered when nobody would be at my residence - I work 50 miles away, and use a van pool. I called FedEx, talked to a live person and explained: I was assured that the delivery person would not leave it at the door, and would deliver it the next day when somebody would be at home. Later, the tracking showed that the item was delivered, and left at the side door. Anybody could steal it and drive away. I was helpless. I called FedEx - they made the usual noises. Fortunately, the package was recovered after 5PM, and I am so relieved. I wrote KEH about this experience, and am waiting for their response. If I purchase from KEH, I will want another shipper (USPS), or I will shop elsewhere. Don't like it?? Shop elsewhere. KEH is not being served properly by FedEx, and customers have to be aware of this. Your purchases can be left outside, and stolen. There are folks who roam the streets looking for exactly such items, and follow FedEx trucks making house deliveries. The FedEx driver who makes the delivery is the loathsome creature who puts the KEH customer at risk. </p>
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<p>Koh's Camera is another good source for used gear. I've bought a lot of gear on eBay and from KEH based on who has what I want at the time. Never a problem with either. But as others have stated, use common sense when it comes to eBay. If a seller has poor or stolen photos (especially Rockwell's), I pass on him. One thing to consider with KEH is that EX grade is really the highest you need to buy for a clean body or lens. I've never noticed much of a difference between EX and EX+ or LN-.</p>
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