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ND Filter for Fuji X - Pro


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<p>I've recently bought a Fuji X-Pro 1 and I love it. I'm looking for a 52mm ND filter for the 35mm and 60mm lenses I have and I'm confused. I was going for a Hoya Pro which here in the UK costs around £65. The Hoya HMC ND X8 is about £20 and the Pro 1 about £25</p>

<p>The specs for these is confusing. I know the HMC has a few layers of coating and I believe the Pro 1 will have more layers. The much more expensive Pro ( confusing product differentiation here ) has a sort of "acu-coating" or something which I don't understand.</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me if there is a significant difference between the Pro 1 and the Pro? I guess a lot of people will assume there must be because of the price difference. I also know there's some belief that there will be a difference but the law of diminishing returns will set in etc. I'm not really convinced.</p>

<p>I'd love to have some clarification as to the differences between the above three are. I'd really love to hear from someone who has tried them or can point me to some sort of evidence or review which clearly shows the differences.</p>


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<p>There's no difference in the performance of these multicoated filters optically. Generally, the more expensive they are, the more "nanocoatings" on top of the conventional multicoatings they have: these repel water and are generally easier to clean. I suspect there are two levels of "nanocoatings" possible and this is why the Pro and Pro 1 differ in price.</p>
Robin Smith
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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Wow sorry Robin. I thought I had acknowledged your reply but I messed up the posting. Please accept my apologies. Thanks for the informations. I eventually found a ProND at a good price and thought the extra protection and cleaning qualities was probably worth it.</p>

<p>Thanks again and one again apologies for my oversight</p>

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