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Can't see individual classifieds

Dieter Schaefer

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<p>While I can see the list of classifieds, when clicking on any of the listings I don't get to see that particular listing but instead the tab opens as "view-one 1x1 pixels" - white background on Safari 5.1.7 and Chrome 31, black window in firefox 26 (on firefox it says it is a GIF image). I am on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. Doesn't matter whether I am logged in or not - was there a recent change so that only subscribers can see the individual ads?</p>


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<p>Must be a glitch.</p>


<p>Resolved the issue - Kaspersky Internet Security was the "culprit" - more precisely, its Anti-Banner functionality. It was usually off, but on a recent vulnerability scan, it must have gotten turned on. What in "http://www.photo.net/gc/view-one?classified_ad_id=" it finds objectionable, I don't know. It uses a default list generated by Kaspersky - and I can't seem to find what's actually on that list.</p>

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