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W/NW Pic of the Week # 9


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<p>Sanford, this question comes up once and a while. Since back in the early days of this long running weekly thread, no thread presenter or forum moderator has ever required people to id their equipment used. It is the Leica and Rangefinder forum so that suggest a certain type of camera, but its never been enforced and its always been left to the photographers to post without identifying the camera if they wish not to do so. As long as I am starting the thread, I don't, deliberately, request anyone reveal their equipment types. If the photo seems to fit, I leave it to the photographer's discretion as to what they use. Which means you can use whatever you want as far as I'm concerned. It's up to you. Sure, Leica and Rangefinder's are preferred, as historically the thread was about allowing people to see what Leica photo output looked like in real world usage but the forum itself has expanded and for many years now we've never got on anyone who admits they used a DSLR, this thread is more about photography and not equipment. At least for the last several moderators over the last few years. So I would say no list, if it fits, put it up. I'm interested more in quality pics than what camera you use. Yes, its somewhat runs counter to the nature of the forum and is some what hypocritical, but the thread has always functioned so and we've never had a problem with this thread becoming a Nikon or Cannon thread because generally people show a certain self-imposed restraint. And for as long as I've started this if there was anything of an official policy it would be an unofficial policy of "don't ask, don't tell" without any type of list. In fact you will see someone once in a while confess to using some other type of camera, and no one has ever gotten on them for that. If all of a sudden, everone on the Nikon and Cannon forum started posting pics here, it could be a problem. So, if I have any say, it would be don't worry about it. If the pic looks like it will fit into the thread, put it up. Now I'm just the thread presenter, I am in no way the forum moderator. And so far, no moderator has yet come on to this forum and demanded Leica and Rangefinders only for the pic of the week thread. Maybe because its an old thread and people have always used their own discretion and it hasn't been a problem. So I would say, if anyone really likes a picture and it is one of their favorite photos, put it up.</p>

<p>Let me add, that this is just my opinions on the subject, certainly others can share other opinions, but I for one, would appreciate it if that discussion was on a separate thread, just so this one can stay focused on the photos. Or not:) If people want to discuss this go for it. As I say, I'm just a presenter which means nothing more than generally, I'm the first to post on the thread, really nothing more than that.</p>

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<p>I can't say for sure Sanford. I'd hazard a guess: Leica-Anything (cameras-lenses), Rangefinder-Anything (cameras-lenses). Leica/RF optics on mirrorless? Why not. That's the way of the world now, I see no sense in excluding the use of fine Leica lenses or other RF optics on other cameras. MHO, others may feel differently.</p>

<p>I do see other gear used occasionally. It matters not to me. It's a fun group of talented folks.</p>

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There was a time when only my recent posts of pictures made with a screw mount and pre-war uncoated lens would rank

as proper Leica photos. The Nikon forum would accept them if I scanned them with my Nikon scanner. I've occasionally

posted an iPhone photo. One of the best contributors here often uses his 5d Mk II......

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<p>"Would appreciate a list of acceptable cameras/equipment allowed to participate in the Leica POTW"</p>

<p>Hope my Fuji X100 is included. Just love the way it just cannot wait to flare at any opportunity as above. It does other strange things with colour which I have to correct in P/S.</p>

<p> I have come to the conclusion it's an eccentric camera which is the main reason why I like it a lot:).Hey, a personality.</p>

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I shoot primarily Leica M, but I have other rangefinders and a digital that has Fuji lenses and takes Leica lenses.


I also have SLRs and a TLR. I shoot every week and want to post whatever is most recent.


I hope that's OK.


This s the only place I post regularly, so it feels like home.

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It does feel like home. My first camera was a Leica IIIc and the kind people here helped me up a steep learning curve. The

POTW thread has encouraged me to get out and shoot, during hard weeks, so I will have something to share on Friday.

Self-imposed restraint is important. I suspect that many of the non-rangefinder digital shooters here have a long

relationship with Leicas and rangefinders but are unable to continue using them for a variety of reasons: it's difficult

tonsee through rangefinders as eyes age, many folks don't live in an area where film can be purchased and developed

easily, etc.


I've thought about leaving recently as I can't get my medium format photos to look as they should in only 100kb. There

are many good things about this weekly event that (so far) outweigh the annoyance of having smudgey looking photos. I

am inspired by the quality here and am glad to find myself in the company of friendly folks.

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<p>I do not currently own a Leica, but I shot with Leicas for 25 years, so although I post plenty of Leica images, I don't just stop posting if I use my DSLR. Luckily this forum is too sensible to make dogmatic requirements. I like to think that it is for people who know something about the history of "Leica" photography and/or rangefinder photography who appreciate their virtues and feel warmly towards the brand and/or the style of photography they engendered, even if they don't currently own one. A bit wishy-washy perhaps, but it seems to work.</p>
Robin Smith
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