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Bowens Explorer Charger, Replacements ?


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<p>Just curious if there is another charger I can use to charge my Bowens Explorer batteries ? I was on a job recently and one of my assistants left it behind in one of the rooms, I have since spoken to the hotel and yes they never found anything (Typica, prob went straight in the bin with the phone chargers they find)<br>

Anyways these have been discontinued and the ones I have found are very expensive and it not a piece of gear I use a lot since switching to Brocolor a few months ago, I would like to take it on jobs just incase we need an extra couple of lights thou. <br>

Any guys out there with some electrical knowledge know if there are any other chargers out there that would charge the batteries instead of me having to fork out 350-500 dollars ?</p>

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<p>Try to identify the OEM battery. The specs say it's a 5-amp hour, sealed-lead acid battery (SLA). SLAs are one of the most tolerant battery chemistries, but don't like to be stored uncharged. Once you find the OEM battery, a place like Battery Mart offers a selection of good SLA chargers. Confirm my advice before trying, but I think any low-current (trickle-charging) 12V DC battery charger should work (e.g., 12V car battery "smart" charger). Call Bowens. You never know--one of their own tech support guys would probably be willing to confirm this.</p>
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