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POTW 9/29/2013


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<p>@Robert, shots are just beautiful. I wish I can be next to you to admire at your Mamiya 330. Is that a TLR with interchangeable lens system? And I am such a whim that I have never taken a slide in my film novice trial. Love both shots very much but the fall color is a classic to love.</p>
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<p>Great stuff! Love that MF work!</p>

<p>I was sick this week and didn't shoot during the week much. Friday the university here had their homecoming celebration and shot fireworks and lit the big W on the mountain on fire (tradition). We had an intense snowstorm come through during the fireworks which made things interesting. I framed this first shot to get both the lit W and fireworks together but the snow obscures the W.<br>

K-5 & DA15<br>

<a title="IMGP6352-Edit by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP6352-Edit src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7389/9976346566_b9549b2dd9_z.jpg" alt="IMGP6352-Edit" width="640" height="424" /></a><br>


A little later it cleared up and I hiked up a nearby hill to get this view of campus and the W.<br>

K-5 & Tamron 28-75<br>

<a title="IMGP6386-Edit by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP6386-Edit src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7430/9976416863_a2bda45212_z.jpg" alt="IMGP6386-Edit" width="640" height="424" /></a><br>


Then I got up early Saturday to shoot the fall landscape and colors with snow. Always a nice combo!<br>

K-5 & DA15<br>

<a title="IMGP6523-Edit by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP6523-Edit src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5525/9989710744_cae9316161_z.jpg" alt="IMGP6523-Edit" width="640" height="424" /></a></p>

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<p>Hello all.</p>

<p>The only time I got the camera out this week was apple picking and swimming with my daughter. My wife has a 'no posts of the daughter policy' so I'll just have to drull over your images.<br>

Hin, stunning images as always. The gecko is truly fabulous.</p>

<p>Robert, you stunning fall landscapes remind me that I should be keeping my eyes open for interesting fall color. I'm just too busy to do so.</p>

<p>Patrick, stunning cicada. Where are you again? I don't think that species looks all that familiar.</p>

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<p>We have had a family issues that took up most of my off work time this week . So I haven't taken any shots this week I did however get my roll back from my youngest Grandsons 4th birthday party a couple of weeks ago. I was trying out a new/ used camera with an old roll of Kodak 400cn. just to see if I had any issues with the camera. I had three scratches all the way thru the roll, and the meter appears to be off a bit. That said here are a couple from that roll. Both taken with a ZXL with an FA 35-50 lens</p><div>00c26j-542803184.jpg.d49819d7d17deb656be17459b09b62ef.jpg</div>
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