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Kodak Linagraph laser recording film (9.5inchx 175ft.)

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<p>http://trichromie.free.fr/trichromie/index.php?post/2011/02/08/LL7 where M. Gaud says</p>


<p>Je n'ai aucune info sur ce film sauf que c'est du film N&B en bobine, sensibilité et traitement complètement inconnu. Ce travail de défrichage se fera à la louche et sans autres outils qu'une chambre 8x10 / 18x24, une Jobo ATL 2500, de l'HC 110, une table lumineuse et un peu de patience.<br /><br /></p>


<p>He has posted other tests and discussion elsewhere. He illustrates results at different ISOs etc. Note that he developed in HC110...</p>

<p>Some versions of Linagraph are orthochromatic and can be processed with red safelights ( http://www.kodak.com/global/en/consumer/products/techInfo/k4/k4Recomnd.shtml ), but I'd try a small piece first, to make sure, since I ran across some reference to panchromatic versions, too.</p>

<p>I also note that you have yourself posted very widely on this. It would be great if you would post any answers you find here, or at least post a link. Thanks.</p>

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