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How trigger 2 Flashs (Master / Slave) ?


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<p>Hi everyone,<br>

<br />I have 2 Canon Flashes (630EX-RT and 480 II) and a 5D. I would like to make an image with two flashes simultaneously. I can not configure the first flash to be the "master" of the other. Is it possible that the flash mounted on my camera fires the second flash? If so, how, what mode used?<br>

<br />Thank you to enlighten me :)<br>

<br />L</p>

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<p>Hi Laurent. I've had a quick rummage in the manuals (I used to shoot Canon but don't any more, so apologies for inaccuracies). I believe you need to set the 600EX-RT (I assume you don't have a "630", since I don't know what that is) to be the optical master, sitting it on the camera (or on a flash extension cord if you want to move it about). You need to use optical flash, since the 430EX II (I assume not a 480, since that doesn't seem to exist?) predates the introduction of radio triggering and can only be triggered by the flash. I believe the 430 can't act as a master for wireless flash, so you'd have to do it this way around if you want ETTL (automatic flash exposure).<br />

<br />

I believe you want the sections starting at p.75 in the 600EX-RT manual, and p.26 of the 430EXII manual. Make sure the channels match, check everything fires, and you should then be able to set exposure compensation independently for the flashes. With a bit of luck, it'll all be magic and work automatically - just remember that the flashes need to be able to get enough light that they can see each other to trigger. You might be able to bounce around a dark corner, but don't set them up 100m apart in direct sunlight and expect it to work.<br />

<br />

Good luck, and I hope someone with more recent knowledge of Canon flashes can expand on this if you're still stuck!</p>

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<p>Excellent response Andrew; despite not shooting Canon recently you've nailed it. Can we get a bit more infomation from you Laurent? Firstly to confirm they're a 600EX-RT and 430 (The second could equally be a 580 II, which is much more capable than a 430)? And a bit more infomation from you about how you want to light the photo; presumably with one on-camera flash and one off-camera?</p>

<p>As a first tip; the 600 lets you shoot in wireless or optical mode. The second flash (whether 430 or 580) will only respond to optical triggering. You cycle through these modes using the button at the far left on the 600. Optical is represented by a lightning bolt in the top-right on the LCD and you want master mode (it cycles through off, wireless master/slave, optical master/slave). How to setup the second flash will depend on what kit you actually have.</p>

<p>As Andrew suggests, a good look at the manuals is probably a good start. If you've lost them or bought the flashes second hand without, they are readily available online. There are some good video guides on youtube also.</p>

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<p>Thank you for your answers.<br>

It's indeed: flashs 430EX II and 600EX RT, my apologies. I finally find, as you say, you should use the flash with the optical transmission. Just put the flash 600EX RT master (who did not apparently possible with 430EXII only "slave" available), then put the 430EX II in "slave" mode (To do this, you must press more than 2 seconds the right button with the logo of a small light/storm, that's it I could not do! Press over two damn seconds!) and here the two flashes are granted!</p>

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