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need to scan prints with solid colors my scans pick up too much noise and dust

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<p>need help scanning<br>

my scans come out really grainy and pick up everything off the paper my friends scans look like more solid colors . what am I doing wrong?<br>

my scan<br>

<img src="http://s17.postimg.org/4tiizfgxr/forum2.jpg" alt="" width="1278" height="719" /></p>

<p>my friend scans looks like more solid colors</p>

<p><img src="http://s22.postimg.org/r0qe67svl/forum1.jpg" alt="" width="1278" height="719" /></p>

<p>I cant get ahold of my friend to ask him the settings hopefully someone can help...<br>

thank you so much!<br>


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<p>With anything of this type, film or prints, one trick is to really make sure that the original is as clean as you can get it. Blow off with a blower. Wipe off with very soft cloth (like a well-washed cotton hankie), blow off again. Make sure the scanner lens/platen/glass is clean.</p>

<p>You friends may be using 'cleaner' software in the scanning controls, which works (but often you pay a price for it in sharpness and scanning artifacts).</p>

<p>Also, scanning is very sensitive to what pixel count per inch you are choosing in the settings. Too fine and you may exceed the actual resolution of the scanner with poor results; too coarse, and you will get pixelation, etc.</p>

<p>Those are some of the more likely causes, but at the size the posts here are allowed to be, I don't see much in the images above to go on.</p>


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