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Any way to reverse order of uploaded pictures


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<p>I uploaded about 20~30 pics to a new folder in my portfolio. They unfortunately display in the inverse of alpha/numeric order. the only option I can see to rectify this is to drag them one-by-one, to new positions. And it's enough pics that I can't see them all in one pageful, and the page doesn't scroll.</p>

<p>Considering reverse order is likely not the way anyone uploading images would want them to display, it would be nice if there was a function to do a wholesale reversal of order. Or rectify the reversed display order, right off the top.</p>


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<p>Mendel, <br>

I was hoping somebody that knew something would answer you, but I guess not. I ran into the same problem with a larger folder for a vacation I took. My solution at the time was to do batches of 20, I can see that many on my screen without scrolling. I uploaded the ones I wanted at the end. Then moved those into their proper order, then uploaded the next batch, so on and so on till done.</p>

<p>I think it's set up the way it is, is because the "intent" is to have everybodys most recent photos at the top? Maybe, just maybe fixing/designing the uploader to do it in order is on their list of upgrades for the site? </p>

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<p>The drag and drop re-sequencing tool is not that bad once you get the hang of it. Like Doug says, doing it in stages can make it easier. Believe me, it is easier now than it was before drag/drop was implemented although I have successfully repressed what the procedure used to be. Wait until you get 50 or more folders and decide you want to do a major re-sequencing of folders (as opposed to photos within a folder). Then you will really find out what suffering and tedium are all about.<br>

Here's a possible work-around. Create a new folder. Use the 'move multiple photos' tool to move a few photos at a time from current folder to new folder. Use drag/drop to get them in the order you want, then do a few more. Tedious? Yes, but isn't that why we all love PN so much?</p>

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<p>Hi Guys........... now the shortcomings have been identified, one needs to plan (upfront) before uploading.<br>

Few at a time is better, especially if one is going to link in ones camera/lens and exif data for each image (and I hope that is what you do, else I won't leave a comment).<br>

P.N is no different from other sites I have been a member of, in the past. I do not believe the system was designed for mass storage of peoples images, but rather for the upload of images for discussion and critique by the members.<br>

I find that members who have a "What's new" type of folder (or recent uploads) have more "commenting" veiwers as their new stuff can be easily found..... these images can be relocated after a week or so.<br>

To answer the question............ no, there is no easy way to re-position large volume uploads.<br>



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