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NIK filters do not load into Photoshop CC?

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<p>I have today downloaded Photoshop CC. Everything went OK after some fumbling. However, there is still an annoying problem left. I am using NIK Output sharpener for all my prints and for preparing files for books. I find it a splendid instrument and had it downloaded from Google and installed as a filter into Photoshop CS6 since a year back.</p>

<p>Today, after downloading Photoshop CC, I first un-installed the NIK filters and then tried to re-install them, hoping that they could be integrated in CC – as filters – as easily as in CS6 before. But the installer refuses to recognise Photoshop CC! Has Google failed to update NIK so that it does no longer integrate into Photoshop CC?</p>

<p>Has someone out here found a solution to this problem?</p>

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<p>But the installer refuses to recognise Photoshop CC!</p>


<p>This is a known issue with some plug-in's, not recognizing CC. We had the same issue with our PhotoKit products and had to update the installer. Contact NIK and let them know. OR you could install in CS6 and manually move the items into the Plug-in's folder for CC, that should work. Ultimately Nik has to update their installer. </p>

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management" (pluralsight.com)

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<p>After searching the internet extensively, I finally found a Kluge that helped me to install the NIK filters in Photoshop CC. I present the solution here as well, since others in the Community may also be fumbling around with this:</p>

<p>1 Uninstall the NIK Collection</p>

<p>2 When re-installing it, there is a window where it asks for the hosts to install it in. Your earlier hosts (CS6) are still indicated therein. Push the (+) sign and choose APPLICATIONS/PHOTOSHOP CC/PLUG-INS/PANELS. </p>

<p>3 Push the (+) sign once again and choose APPLICATIONS/BRIDGE CC/PLUG-INS</p>

<p>That should do it for you, as it has done it for me!</p>

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