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Leica Look

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<p>This thread is very informative and might be very useful to someone considering a purchase/upgrade. Forgive me if I am wrong- I don't own a Leica and probably never will, especially with the arrival of the Sony RX1- but is the Leica Look not, as previously suggested, a lot to do with the character of the monochrome rendering (which I adore BTW)?</p>
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In general I have heard the re,rm Leica Look used to refer to the transition between the in focus and out of focus zones

and the texture in the OOF areas. It is much easier to see this in a B&W image without the distraction of colour. In this

case I just picked the title as all three cameras had a Leica lens on them (so the rendering would be similar). I was really

referring to the colour shifts. I have played some more with the new M and I am starting to like it although the interface is

a lot more complex that the old M8 and M9 but still not close to my Canon DSLRs (although I have had years to get used

to the Canons)


I did like Paul's take on the Leica look.

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