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Found some old negatives from 1930's-1940's

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<p>Found an old envelope that had these 4.35 x 2.5 inch negatives. No idea what kind of camera would hold this film, but since the negatives were cut, it was rolled. I didn't do any cropping and just did a straight film scan with an Epson V600. All these are from Long Island, mainly Freeport, Bellmore and Westbury. The parade was obviously the fourth of July, the cantata must have been for Easter.<br /> <br /> <a href="/photo/17566309&size=lg"><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17566309-md.jpg" alt="img011" width="680" height="360" border="0" /><img src="/v3graphics/cover.gif" alt="img011" width="680" height="360" /></a><br /> <a href="/photo/17566335&size=lg"><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17566335-md.jpg" alt="img037" width="680" height="350" border="0" /><img src="/v3graphics/cover.gif" alt="img037" width="680" height="350" /></a><br /> <a href="/photo/17566306&size=lg"><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17566306-md.jpg" alt="img008" width="680" height="352" border="0" /><img src="/v3graphics/cover.gif" alt="img008" width="680" height="352" /></a><br /> <br />You can see the whole portfolio <a href="/photodb/folder?folder_id=1060838">HERE</a>. I have no idea who in my family took these photos, but since my dad is in these photos from his birth (1935) to about 10-11 years old, that's how I'm dating this time frame. Just thought I'd share.</p>
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<p>Rich, these are a wonderful history of your family. </p>

<p>A couple of weeks ago, my niece and nephew and their fiancées came to spend time with my 93 year old Mom (their grandma). They were enthralled going through some old photo albums. There were pictures of their grandma and grandpa, their parents, other siblings and the three of us kids. Mom had taken the time to write next to the pictures who they were and as much information as she could remember. </p>

<p>I hope you do the same for these pictures..... your family will thank you!</p>

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What is it about old pictures that just seem better then similar photos taken recently? Is it the clothes, old cars,

nostalgia? One thing about these are they are all of children. And this pictures are low because the camera

apparently was a waist level type that shoots low. Children always look good, oldsters too, when the comer invades

their territory. You feel part of the scene; close to the subjects.

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