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Epson v550, where does it rank?

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I'd like to get a mid-range desktop flatbed scanner to scan 35mm negatives and 120 medium format film. I know the Epson v700 is the high end model, but where does the new v550 fall, especially in relation to the v600. Is the older v600 still superior to the v550, in which case the model numbers are correct.<br>

How does the v550 compare to the Canon Canoscan 9000f MKII?<br>

<br />Thanks,<br />David</p>

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<p>I think film-dedicated rig would be better than the flatbeds. Much depends how big of enlargements (+ detail) you wish to produce. I've seen some really nice results from Nikon 4000, but then the higher models (5,8 and 9K) would produce better output. Cost is relative and there is a learning curve to squeeze out the most from the negative/slide.<br>



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