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6D and T2i with Adobe Premier Elements 12


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<p>I asked a related, but different question quite some time ago (maybe over a year) on a different photo.net forum about video editing software. I didn't follow through with the suggestions then because I was still quite confused about codecs and compatibility etc. Also, though the video editing bit of this question would fit better in another forum, I'm dealing with Canon dslrs in particular. </p>

<p>So, here's my question: Will Adobe Premier Elements 12 <em>all by itself </em>(without other programs to convert one format to another) allow me to take simple, family videos straight from my 6D and t2i without any prior conversions, do very simple edits (e.g., subtract dead space), and then save to multiple video formats (DVDs, youtube, etc.)?</p>

<p>Any other relatively inexpensive or free programs that would do the same thing with 6D and T2i? Again, I have in mind all-in-one, no-other-converters-required software programs. </p>

<p>Sorry if this is a daft question. </p>

<p>Also, I'm on Windows PCs. </p>


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I also have a Canon T2i which I bought when it came out. I have been using PREL7 back then and have upgraded to PREL9 and 10. All of which can use the files straight out of the Camera without conversion.<br>

I use video from several cameras and can combine them into one project. All without having to convert. The Premier Elements PREL, can handle them all "straight out of the camera"<br>

<br />For example I mix AVCHD (from NEX), MP4 (From GoProHD hero1 and Hero2), and also use a Canon Camcorder and all files can be used in one project, without having to convert and I use Windows 7 too<br>

I generally just upload to Youtube or play the rendered file from an HD or USB Flashdrive on a media player or computer. Much better than burning DVDs or CDs<br>

hope this answers your questions. </p>



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<p>I can't imagine that it wouldn't work. I don't think they have changed the specifications for MP4. You could also download the trial version of Adobe Premier Elements and just try it out or go to the store and "record" some video on your own SD card and bring it home. I did this when I was working on AVCHD. While I have bought later versions of PRELements, I am still using PREL9 which came with my computer and it works perfectly fine with the newer cameras. I also have the new Sony RX100m2 and shoot mainly AVCHD as 1080 60p is not available in MP4 mode.<br>

Right now PREL12 dual pack (bundled with PSEL12) is on sale at Black Friday pricing (which I bought too)<br>


<p> </p>

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