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Nomenclature of forums, a thought on same


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<p>To Clara:<br>

Subject: Regarding Forum distribution by camera typology...to think about going forward. If another location is preferred for such comments, do let me know. <br>

A suggestion for consideration re the forum organization and names. Whimsical changes or additions would of course be of no value, nor proliferation for its own sake. There is nonetheless one seemingly recognized by users re the descripitve naming that has some folks and some members confused and might be looked at profitably for the site from my experience. Namely this. The location of a home for <em>micro four thirds cameras</em> from Olympus and Panasonic. They are mirrorless of course but that is a huge span and they are also heavily Olympus branded.... I would just suggest title of <em>Mirrorless</em> to read <em>Mirrorless, including micro four thirds</em>. <br /> There was a recent thread on some sentiment in the Olympus Forum which gets to be kind of a sleepy hollow.. Olympus OM, still used by avid film fans is counterpart to Canon FD, same idea. You may be interested in some recent remarks from some of those felt kind of marginalized, so to speak...Aloha, and thanks for hearing this one out.<br /> <a href="/olympus-camera-forum/00bmgL" rel="nofollow">http://www.photo.net/olympus-camera-forum/00bmgL</a></p>


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<p>Gerry, this is the first time in months I've looked at the OM forum and after reading that thread I wouldn't be inclined to visit again, ever. No reflection on you, of course - you're consistently among the most positive, constructive and optimistic people on photo.net.</p>

<p>But the level of sarcasm, backbiting and generally toxic negativity shown by some participants on that thread wouldn't encourage me to visit again or offer any suggestions to newcomers. Why would anyone care to participate on a forum where any comment is likely to draw sarcastic retorts from the regulars? Even after 15 years on this site and having seen a lot of such behavior, it never gets any easier to deal with. Frankly I was on the verge of abandoning photo.net entirely this year as a result of exactly that type of toxic attitude infesting almost every forum.</p>

<p>The most significant improvement anyone could make to bolster the cause of photo.net fans of Olympus and Micro 4:3 would be a sincere attitude adjustment.</p>

<p>In pursuit of that optimistic goal, I wish we could clone more of you and folks like you.</p>

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<p>I feel somewhat the same as Lex does. <br>

I'd say the positive function of some forums (fora?) might be from keeping some of the ill-tempered off Classic Manual Cameras and Modern Film Cameras forums.</p>

<p>Traffic does seem to be down on lots of the site, however, as has been commented on by some "<em>intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic</em>" as HG Wells put it. Of course, some of those intellects are only half-vast.~</p>

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<p>Lex, glad to see you back with us troopers, Lex. Yes, I tend to agree about some of the backbiting and stabbing and the one in that thread is a good example, overlaying the ideas with rancor. Goes on elsewhere as you say. Forums, not all, seem to be a place like the scream rooms in Japan companies, or even a Fight Club. Where there are no winners and no referees...<br /> Anonymity, societal angst, internet anomie, -- who knows. I get pissed off enough sometime myself at a negativity comment. I 'll start to write out a reply with salty or chip on the shoulder language and then look at it before I do anything else.... Often erase the whole paragraph. (got out of my system which doesn't feed the angry )<br /> You are one of the moderators who calls a spade a spade. ( I am thinking of one recent case of a snide remarker who got personal in a snotty fashion, and whom you set right. )<br /> In short, <strong>welcome back. </strong><br /> I keep thinking of the sonnet which goes " Every fair from fair sometimes declines..." Is this the natural history of things on line, well perhaps. Some loud voices who post without thinking can and quickly drag a discussion, which starts well intentioned, into the swamp.</p>
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<p>JDM - Here's what OED says: The plural of <strong >forum</strong> is usually spelled <strong >forums</strong>; the plural <strong >fora</strong> (as in the original Latin) is chiefly used when talking about a public square in an ancient Roman city. <br>


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