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<p>There are a lot of good responses in your post. If you are looking at the 3200 why not look at the 5100 as well. It is a little bigger and does a little more for around the same price. Here is a link that compares the two: <a href="http://snapsort.com/compare/Nikon-D3200-vs-Nikon-D5100">http://snapsort.com/compare/Nikon-D3200-vs-Nikon-D5100</a> I shoot on a 5100 and love it. If you are looking at buying a new one the 5100 will work great for the knowledge you do have, but will not be to simple. You will be able to grow as a photographer and learn on this camera. It may seem daunting, but once you learn more of the craft your camera will become part of your hand. The better the lens the better the image can be, but it all depends what you are shooting and your composition. Some lenses are better than others, but since you are just starting I wouldn't worry about them as much. That comes more into play when you have a subject or two that you love shooting and want to add more to your kit. Another option for you to try out is renting a camera or two. This will take you to a place that will let you rent the camera for a couple of days and you can see what you like shooting with;<a href="http://www.borrowlenses.com/AdvancedSearch.do?searchString=bodies">http://www.borrowlenses.com/AdvancedSearch.do?searchString=bodies</a> Prices are pretty cheap when you are considering dropping a couple hundred on a camera you may not even like. </p>

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Hi Amanda, As a fellow - beginner, the camera selection process was overwhelming. A year ago I purchased a

camera much too complicated for me. Unfortunately I have also dropped the camera twice. The experienced

Photographers on this forum are immensely helpful. I checked out everyone's suggestions and recently selected my

camera and absolutely love it. Trust your instincts and take all the time needed to select your first DSLR. You will

"know" when you have found it! Most of all, enjoy the process.

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<p>Don't just read on them, go into a store and handle them, see which one fits you, see which one has controls that make the most sense to you....consider the lens line up..consider what type of photography you want to do....everyone has their opinions on the best camera(s)...but YOU will be the one using whatever it is you wind up with. <br>

Camera Reviews<br>

<a href="http://www.photographytalk.com/compare-prices/camera-buying-guide?pt=6">http://www.photographytalk.com/compare-prices/camera-buying-guide?pt=6</a><br>

<a href="http://www.dpreview.com">http://www.dpreview.com</a><br>

<a href="http://www.snapsort.com">http://www.snapsort.com</a><br>

<a href="http://www.whatdigitalcamera.com/equipment.html">http://www.whatdigitalcamera.com/equipment.html</a></p>


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