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Nikon Wednesday 2013: #25

Matt Laur

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<p>On vacation in Jackson Hole this week. Spent an afternoon kayaking on the Snake River oxbows - calm water with wildlife sightings (moose, eagles, otters, pellicans and other waterfowl) frequent. This time, we had a surprise. We were drifting through a slough 10 to 15 feet from the shorelines when Karen said she saw a black bear. I readied the AW100 and as I drifted past, the bear raised his head ... not a black bear but one of the grizzly adolescents that are in the area. I captured a few images as the bear came to the water's edge to check us out. When the bear splashed the water, I splashed the water too - with a few power stroked of the paddle to get clear. </p><div>00bkua-540879184.jpg.b713104efadc401b94d6e9e0a266c268.jpg</div>
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<p>Great shots everyone. I particularly liked Roberta's dragonflies, especially the third one.</p>

<p>I managed to get out in the countryside with the dog on Saturday. It was one of those lovely days with sunshine, rapidly moving clouds and a warm breeze making the crops in the fields sway so they looked like water from a distance. A perfect chance to try a bit more HDR.......</p><div>00bkuu-540879784.jpg.27cbce333631e2c679ff0af121a46d99.jpg</div>

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<p>I slightly overfilled a demijohn and my homebrew beer frothed out of its airlock, resulting in what you see below.</p>

<p>D800 + Tamron 90mm macro lens. Lit with a single off camera flash held above and slightly behind the subject, triggered using CLS from the camera popup.</p><div>00bkwQ-540881884.JPG.6479b7fd0204ce6e9ae6f9e0824a0c09.JPG</div>

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<p>Greetings from the depths of northern Ontario...or rather, northern Quebec.<br>

We were camping near Fort Temiscamingue. No cell or internet access. I didn't want to miss out on Nikon Wednesday. Better late than never.<br>

The Fort was a node in the Hudson's Bay Company trading network that stretched from Quebec City to the Northwest Territories. It is found at the 'narrows' of Lake Temiskaming. The Gov't of Canada has set up a display depicting life at the old fort. <br>

#1 The Voyageurs unloading/loading their canoes. They were massive freight canoes that had to be portaged many times on the trade route.</p>

<p> </p><div>00bl8E-540898484.jpg.a11757390ee7b3614d9b200aa8930dbf.jpg</div>

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