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<p>There's an amusing, but not quite <em>totally</em> "safe for work" piece in NY magazine about the "growth" of Anthony Weiner's anatomical photography skills.</p>

<p><a href="http://nymag.com/thecut/2013/07/portrait-of-anthony-weiner-as-a-penis-artist.html">http://nymag.com/thecut/2013/07/portrait-of-anthony-weiner-as-a-penis-artist.html</a></p>

<p>Please try to keep any followups in reasonably good taste and related to photography (just as the article does), though I appreciate that may be hard. Political comments belong in the "off topic" forum <a href="/off-topic-forum/">http://www.photo.net/off-topic-forum/</a>, maybe in this thread <a href="/off-topic-forum/00brAe">http://www.photo.net/off-topic-forum/00brAe</a></p>

<p>I think we can all be glad he wasn't using an EOS 1D X with a macro lens.</p>

<p>As they say, "only in America" (and possibly Italy, maybe France...)</p>

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<p><em>"though I appreciate that may be hard"</em></p>

<p>Did you really say that, Bob? LOL.</p>

<p>Sure, Weiner may have had reason and even a growing (ahem) obsession with making his penis appear bigger as he got used to the results of using a camera at different angles. But he's surely not the only one. It would be interesting for the magazine to do an exposé on the more general obsession with penis size and whether the intended <em>recipients</em> would be more impressed the bigger the appendage appeared to be.</p>

<p>The moral of the story may be to accept men's claims about the sizes of their penises with the same sort of skepticism with which viewers should assume that what they're more generally seeing in photos is "real."</p>

<p>What's also interesting is that the magazine feels the need to illustrate rather than show photos in order to make the images safe for work. So they, themselves, have accepted, at least to some extent, the false reality of a picture of a penis as being somehow more real or more unsafe for work than the illustration of a penis. A whole lot of people are looking at pictures of his penis, talking about his penis and the pictures of them, but it's not safe to do so in the presence of co-workers, even co-workers who may be doing the very same thing themselves, either by looking and talking about the pictures, or sexting in a manner similar to Weiner. He ain't the only one, by goodness.</p>

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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<p>Why doesn't Weiner just become a porn star and get it over with? He could use his real name instead of that lame "Carlos Danger" alias. Certainly sounds more fun and thrilling than being mayor of New York.</p>

<p>Haven't heard of any special skills he possesses for running such a huge metropolis. It's clear more capable folks than Weiner don't want the job. That's not reassuring.</p>

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<p>If texting (sexting) were, imaginatively speaking, available in NYC in early 1900's:<br /> " Hey Gustav, can i call u Gus?? Luvd yr band leading at the Phil last night. Couldn't sleep thinking of u and yr powerful body in tails and flying hair... I just know u are really romantic guy. Have a personal photo u can send me, Gus?? Plz... Avid fan, hot Brooklyn grl XXXX." <br /> Well, boys will be boys even then. And girls love to flirt too...</p>
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<p>Maybe instead of being a porn star with the stage name "Anthony Weiner," he should star in PSAs about sexual harassment under the name "Weiner Danger" and then change his name to Carlos Anthony. And grasping at straws to stay on-topic, that would give him the initials CA, which to us means chromatic aberration, but in his case could stand for chromosomal aberration.</p>
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<p>Mayor Carlos Danger. Hmmm. I can picture it now. During the day a hard-working government official protecting the NY middle class. At night, he straps on his black cape with a giant phallic symbol emblazed in red seeking out nubile young maidens to thrill and delight with his sexual, ahem, photographic mastery. In no time he'd become a legend to all photo and camera nerds in the land. Pretty soon he'd be making speeches at Marvel Comics stockholder's meetings after they announce their new super hero - <em>Sensorstud</em>.</p>

<p>Superman and Batman will become <em>passe</em>.</p>

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<p>Actually, San Franciscans are better photographers than some other parts of the country give us credit for. We also tend not to have to shoot from angles that make things simply <em>appear</em> to be larger. :-)</p>

<p>Fred in SF</p>

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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<p><em>"That's South Dakota,</em><br /><em>a place we don't go</em><br /><em>around showing our weeners."</em></p>

<p>Holy weener, Batman! It seems <a href="http://www.kdlt.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=698&Itemid=57">sexting is, in fact, practiced in the great state of South Dakota</a>. And gambling takes place in Casablanca . . .</p>

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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  • 11 months later...
<p>It's amazing just how far cheap, journalistic tar and feathering will go. I get it. No one has ever seen a penis picture taken with a cell phone on Craigslist before. Shocking. How dare a man expect to run for office and trample the moralistic sacred cows our culture has established. The problem isn't Weiner's photo skills (or lack thereof). It's the self-righteous, puritanical moralizing that we are all so, publicly, fond of combined with a vicious delight in kicking a man when he is down. </p>
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