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<p>John, I think it is not between you and me,it is too important for the site future. So please read again what I wrote:</p>

<p>I think that <strong>members on that thread</strong> voiced their disatisfaction of the changes done in "my workspace"</p>

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<p>I appreciate and like the new changes to the workspace page. It's nice to be able to keep open the sections I use regularly and collapse the sections I don't use on a regular basis. It's helpful for me to see new photos posted by the photographers I follow. I used to have to randomly go to their pages on a regular basis just to see if they had posted something new. Now I have an easy and convenient way of knowing when they post a new photo and it's right at my fingertips. A while ago, I remember someone requesting this feature when Josh was at the helm and have been hoping ever since I read it that it could be instituted. I remember the request getting a favorable response from many members at the time. There have already been some improvements made to the new functionality and I appreciate the quickness of the response on that. I'm thankful my browser is handling it all correctly and these changes, in addition to the new speed of accessing my workspace page, have really changed my experience of PN for the better.<br /> <br /> Thanks to Glenn and Cara for wanting to make the site better. It felt like the site had been languishing for a while last year and even beyond and I'm very optimistic that these new spurts of changes and improvements bode well for the site overall, especially as there seems a conscious effort to increase visibility of our photos and to increase the interactions that take place specifically related to each other's photos, something I and others have been advocating for quite some time.<br /> <br /> I often check out those people who comment on the photos of people I follow and often look to see who the photographers I follow are commenting on. So it makes sense to have a list of "photographers to follow" and I can live with the possible imperfection of that list also recommending dead photographers, since their work may still be interesting to me. While this particular networking mechanism is a big plus to me, I know that similar mechanisms can also be annoying at times, such as when certain commercial sites recommend products they think I may be interested in. But I find I'm usually able to ignore what I don't want to use, and these features on PN are easy enough not to even notice when I'm not in the mood or don't find them useful.</p>
We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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<p>I totally agree with what Fred has written, my own comments having focussed on two issues that are not taken up above (the 400 listing and the nudes), and I commend him on expressing so clearly what I believe so many of us must feel. <br /> <br /> Particularly striking in my view is the clarity of the new presentation and the speed of response which was an impediment in the past. Thank you for the considerable effort put into implementing these changes.</p>
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<p>Hi everyone - sorry for the duplicate posting. The drop down issue made its way into a few threads. Jin made another tweak for IE users. Can someone using IE check to see if the drop down issue is resolved now? Meaning, the sections that you want open remain open when you log back in with IE. Many thanks as we work through this.</p>
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<p>Thank you Cara! Thank you Jin! The cookie-based customizing feature on the "My Workspace" page is working for me now in IE 10! Really appreciate your efforts to solve that piece of the puzzle! (I had to back up my browser to take out the extra exclamation marks I had inserted, but know they were there)</p>
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