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The Wonderful Werra

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<p>Dang, they did make Werras with a rangefinder. And interchangeable lenses and TTL meter. Lucky for me the widest lens is onlu 35mm. Otherwise, it would be a great replacement for my Leica kit! Not sure why this camera is so cheap compared to the Leica.</p>

<p>Kent in SD</p>

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<p>Kent- they never offered the wide range of lenses that Leica (both L and M mounts) offered. Leica has of course held its value much better than Werra, although Rick's results show the Werra to be a top performer. The one ad I saw for the Werra in an old Pop Photo magazine did not have a USA address for contact. Not sure if it was ever officially imported to USA or not. Maybe someone here knows. By the time the Werra was available there were not many interchangeable alternatives to Leica. I think Canon RF were still available then and likely less than the Leica. By then the SLR had gained popularity. </p>
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<p>I'm pleased the Werra has created some interest; it's one of my favourite cameras, for reasons of both looks and performance. Yes, <strong>Kent</strong>, there's a large range of Werras; the later Werramatics had most of the bells and whistles, and the lenses, though small in range, were reputed to be of very high quality. <em>They're</em> rare, expensive and sought-after, today, though a basic Werra in tidy condition won't break the bank. There's an informative page on the Werras here:<br>

<a href="http://cameras.alfredklomp.com/werramatic">http://cameras.alfredklomp.com/werramatic</a></p>

<p>You're right<strong> Mike</strong>. the Werras seem to be practically unknown in the US. I don't think Carl Zeiss ever set out to seriously challenge Leica, but probably had the Contaflex range in their sights. In much the same way, it was all too little, too late. Hope you find your Werras,<strong> Jon</strong> and <strong>Stefan</strong>, and your replacement, <strong>Charles</strong>; there is usually a good range on the big auction. Thanks,<strong> Louis</strong>; as I said, I think it's a classic design that doesn't age. Great background information,<strong> Mike</strong>. I could find very little information regarding the status of the Werra in the USA. <strong>Gene</strong>, I'm not sure I actually like the olive green, but I'll grab a nice example if it comes my way. Thanks (and apologies) <strong>JDM</strong>, and to <strong>Rob</strong> for your comments.</p>

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<p>Top stuff Rick, the Werra is such a great looking machine that it hard to believe that it hailed from the GDR! I have never clapped eyes on one, so it is good to see this, and your usual fine pictures.<br>

There is a touch of spring here now, the weather has been really great...time to get out and shoot some more!</p>

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<p>Thanks, <strong>Tony</strong>; you're quite right about the Werra being a surprise, in light of it's origins. Coming out of nowhere, unique; nothing else quite like it. Yep, spring is in the air, noted the first cherry blossoms during a road trip this afternoon. Only trouble with spring is that fact that it's all so photogenic, it's hard to avoid visual cliches.</p>
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<p>The Werra seems to have only lenses 35/50/100mm available, but that's a good range. Compared to Leica prices it looks like an excellent value! I might keep my eyes open this February when gear prices tend to be lower. I spent all of yesterday doing some street photography--in Sturgis! (huge motorcycle rally) I used my Leica IIIc during the day, and Nikon D7100 at night. If the Werra meter is any good, I could have shot that at night instead. I did love using my new Canon 28mm Serenar on the Leica though. It was perfect!</p>

<p>Kent in (Sturgis) SD</p>

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<p>I was luck enough to pick up a Werra Matic in March this year in the UK for £20 I have not yet put a film through it, it came with a small screw in close-up filter only the case is marked Carl Zeiss Jena. The cameras lens is Carl Zeiss Jena Tessa 2.8/50..The engineering quality is superb, and it fires perfectly in all speeds! Oh lucky me</p>
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