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How To Edit Photo Captions in Picasa 3?


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<p>Before I "upgraded" to Picasa 3, editing photo captions in my Picasa web albums was intuitive and easy. I'm now finding it difficult. From my searches on Picasa's technical support site, I infer that I'm supposed to 1) Make sure I'm logged in to Google. 2) Go to the Web Album containing the thumbnail of the photo whose caption I want to edit. 3) Click once on that thumbnail to display the photo by itself. 4) Click on the word "Edit" that appears among other menu items above that picture. 5) Once the image reappears on the editing page, I'm supposed to see the caption in small, gray lettering under the photo. 6) Then I'm supposed to click on that caption, edit it, and hit Enter.<br>

For me, the process breaks down at Step 5. I see no caption beneath the photo. <br>

What am I doing wrong?<br>

Thanks in advance for any help.</p>

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<p>Hi Greg - sorry to take so long, but I saw your question this morning at work and had to wait until I got to my home computer this afternoon. I think #4 and #5 in the above list are not correct - I've just tried it on one of my web albums and all I do is step 1)log-in to google; step 2)go to the web album; step 3)click on the photo; step 4)the caption is shown on the right of the photo, not grayed-out and can be edited directly at that point.</p>

<p>I do have grayed-out text shown below the photo, but that is the album title. If you press "edit" you end up in the photo-edit page, and I don't think you can adjust the caption from there.</p>

<p>I have to say I'm not a fan of what Google has done to Picasa since acquiring it, and am actively looking for an alternative.</p>

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<p>Hi, David-- I followed your procedure, making sure I was logged on to Google, even going so far as to log off and log back on again. I went to the appropriate web album and clicked on the photo whose caption I wanted to edit. I saw the gray text beneath the photo; as you noted, it was the album name, not the photo caption. To the right of the photo was nothing--just a black empty expanse, no caption or anything. When I play the slide show for the album, all the captions appear normally. I just can't figure out how to edit the things. <br>

I'm with you on being less than pleased with Picasa 3. When you find something simpler and more intuitive, please let me know. I'll join you in making the switch. My e-mail is suza1@comcast.net. <br>

Thanks. </p>

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<p>Greg - I believe you can still access your web albums through the legacy interface, at <a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/home">https://picasaweb.google.com/home</a> You can make the changes you want and they apply when viewed through the Google+ website. Worth a shot?</p>

<p>That way you should be able to setup the captions you want - I'm still thinking you've tripped over a Picasa bug, and its worth checking with Google support on that.</p>

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