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Century Graphic lens boards


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<p>I have read and been told that the lens boards for the Century Graphic and the earlier 2x3's are slightly different. Is that true and if so can they be adapted to interchange? Does anybody make custom lens boards? I need a board for a C/G to mount a super Angular 65mm. Any info or suggestions would be appreciated.</p>
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<p>David, hi. You should be able to find one without much trouble. The Century takes the same boards as the '23' Pacemaker Crown and Speed Graphics, but they're (AFAIK) different from the earlier Miniature Speed boards.</p>

<p>You have several alternatives.</p>

<p>(i) If I were you, I would just email S K Grimes for a quote, and ask them to install it on a board. They have Graphic boards listed on their website, and what they call a 'Baby Graphic' board looks like a 23 Pacemaker = Century board. Grimes is not cheap but they do beautiful work. It will come back ready to use.</p>

<p>(ii) Midwest Photo has little Graphic boards for $35. Go to their site and search 'graphic board'.</p>

<p>(iii) There are a couple of independents, but I think they are no longer selling Graphic parts, or are only doing so sporadically. Check Canyonland Graphics on ebay, in the off chance. He's a good guy. Another not-so-good guy on the eastern seaboard used to sell them ten years ago, but he was known for giving clients (including me) the runaround. (I won't say his name because he seems to be out of the business, but message me if you need to know.)</p>

<p>Let us know how you get on with this. Check out posts on photo.net by Dan Fromm and Charles Monday, who know a lot of practical detail about Graphics. My knowledge is getting rusty-- I don't use my Graphics much anymore. Also, read what you can on graflex.org.</p>

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