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At what size do you save your photographs?


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<p>Sanford said:</p>

<p> Seriously, I'm of the school of getting it right in JPEG so you don't have to spend hours on the computer trying to save bad exposures or adjust white balance.</p>

<p>Just so the uninitiated know, RAW conversion softwares typically allow the use of preset parameters that can be applied to a whole batch of pictures. Anyone spending hours doing such is not using their software efficiently.</p>

<p>"Getting it right" in the camera is totally different with digital sensors than it was when we shot Kodachrome, Ektachrome and Fujichrome. Many of us consider the "best" file to be the file with the most information. Exposing to the right of the histogram yields the most information and allows the most leeway in doing things like raising detail from shadows. The Raw file want look as good as an in-camera JPG that was exposed with intent to be the finished product, but properly process (using presets, if you like) the ETTR RAW file will yield a file with more shadow detail.</p>

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