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Superfine setting on E-620


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<p>Leafing thhrough the manual for my E-620 earlier today, I saw that the camera could be set to give Superfine JPEG files. However, the camera itself doesn't seem to allow this - only Fine or Normal. Do I need to unlock some hidden settings, or update the firmware? Or just accept that I can't do it?</p>


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<p>Superfine is a little bit less compressed than the fine setting but there is actually very little if any difference between the two. Except that superfine uses a lot more memory. For most normal uses, fine is just right. If you want the best possible quality, you should always shoot raw in any case. And to shoot raw plus superfine does not really make any sense at all.</p>
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<p>Superfine is a little bit less compressed than the fine setting but there is actually very little if any difference between the two. Except that superfine uses a lot more memory. For most normal uses, fine is just right. If you want the best possible quality, you should always shoot raw in any case. And to shoot raw plus superfine does not really make any sense at all.</p>
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