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POTW 3/10/13


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<p>I guess I'll start...</p>

<p><a href="http://500px.com/photo/27678413"><img src="http://pcdn.500px.net/27678413/4a73203193f4d86e8ba0c610e457cdbb7d58dff2/4.jpg" alt="Stairway to Salvation by Jemal Yarbrough (JKYarbrough)) on 500px.com" border="0" /></a><br /><a href="http://500px.com/photo/27678413">Stairway to Salvation</a> by <a href="http://500px.com/JKYarbrough">Jemal Yarbrough</a></p>

<p><a href="http://500px.com/photo/27621671"><img src="http://pcdn.500px.net/27621671/027b5681e7e3505757c789343a122a88e3c60126/4.jpg" alt="The Long Walk by Jemal Yarbrough (JKYarbrough)) on 500px.com" border="0" /></a><br /><a href="http://500px.com/photo/27621671">The Long Walk</a> by <a href="http://500px.com/JKYarbrough">Jemal Yarbrough</a><br>


And even though I hate what flickr now does to my photos, I had no where else to load this one...<br>

<a title="hair-5469 by Jemal Y., on Flickr" href=" hair-5469 src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8102/8545625158_2f6dd3775c.jpg" alt="hair-5469" width="331" height="500" /></a></p>

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<p>If you remember my post from POW 2/24/13 regarding a sunrise summit image and placing it on my fridge for inspiration and hoping to one day step foot on the same summit, today I realized my goal.</p>



<p>March 9, 2013<br /> I so wanted to once again step on the summit of the Adirondack High Peak Cascade Mountain. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascade_Mountain_(New_York)">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascade_Mountain_(New_York)</a> In fact I had actually placed a photo on my fridge so I could see it each and every day in the hopes it would inspire me to get better every day. I truly felt it was today or never. We actually had planned to do a lesser peak and I am not sure if it was fate, but the Garden parking lot for the other peak was full so we headed to Cascade.<br /> I slapped on my snowshoes with a bit of trepidation and slowly started climbing up the trail toward the summit. I am not quite sure what exactly propelled me up the steep slope. Whether it was adrenaline, drive, or something else , but I had been prepared for the disappointment of having to turn back if things didn’t go well. Miraculously they turned out much better than I had anticipated. The last time I climbed Cascade which is 2,000 feet of elevation in 2.2 miles, I made the summit in 1 hour and 30 minutes. I was expecting it to take me at least 3, maybe 4 hours. Happily I was way off and made it in 1 hour and 55 minutes. Not too bad considering what I have been through in the past couple of months.<br /> I stepped out of the pine covered treeline into beautiful bluebird skies and no wind which is very unusual as we have been atop Cascade with lovely 25 to 60 mph winds blasting our faces. Upon reaching the summit I stood near the spot as my fridge photo and gazed out at the 360 degree view of the magnificent snowcapped Adirondack peaks some of which we have climbed such as Marcy (tallest peak in New York), Algonquin, Wright, Porter, and many others. Although it was mid day and the lighting not nearly as pretty as a couple of years ago at sunrise, it meant a lot more today.<br /> I knew the trip down would be a lot harder on my weakened legs and it was. We still made it down in about 2 hours.<br /> For a celebration we headed to The Lake Placid Pub & Brewery for some burgers, wings, and of course a couple of fine craft ales such as Ubu. <a href="http://www.ubuale.com/">http://www.ubuale.com/</a><br /> I have to pay special tribute to my beautiful bride Diane and son Steven for helping me accomplish this arduos goal. I could not have made it without them and their company was instrumental in making this a very memorable occasion for me to help carry me through whatever transpires in the near future for me. It was quite a day, one I am happy to share with my fellow Pentaxians.<br /> In closing, I guess you can kick an old dog when he’s down, but sometimes an old dog will get up and bite back.<br /> Thanks again all for your very warm well wishes over the past month or so.</p>


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<p>It would have been nice if I could have climbed through the dark again for another beautiful sunrise, but that would really have been risky. I never did call my ortho or cardiologist regarding making this hike. I guess I just assumed the answer would have been: NO.<br>

One neat thing about hiking in winter is the sculpturing nature makes with snow covered trees.</p><div>00bR0c-524589684.jpg.f3301d1729393af43b3d5881f3ec1030.jpg</div>

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<p>A very fine start this morning! Kudos to Bob and his perseverance, and photos.<br>

I went out last evening hoping for a comet, but clouds were coming in from the west, obscuring the horizon, so I took a few of the view towards the west. It is getting to be a very intensive area for electricity production in this area, perhaps not unique, but nevertheless true. Not pictured are the natural gas generators or the hydroelectric dams on the Columbia River.<br>

Camera is my K5lls, the Tamron 65B 400mm with 1.4 teleconverter.</p><div>00bR17-524603584.jpg.331956883ef96819d9f63ee2f0fbe8c0.jpg</div>

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<p>Not really nature, but my family went to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago Saturday. They have a no flash rule so I had to do my best to use a high ISO, get enough depth of field on the images and of course avoid glass reflection. I had a rubber hood on my 50mm F f2.8 macro mostly. Still, mostly I have a lot of unsharp images. What is posted below was one of the better images I got.<br /> <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17025916-lg.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="425" /><br /> Stonefish Shedd Aquarium, Pentax K7 50mm F f2.8 at f 7.2 ISO 1600</p>
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<p>For some reason, I bought a Tamron Adaptall 300/5.6 TELE MACRO off eBay. I really don't need another long lens but I was intrigued and it was <$ 100. I'm pretty pleased: it's easy to handle and the IQ ain't bad. <br>

<img src="http://dadipentak.smugmug.com/photos/i-gXCKjSw/0/XL/i-gXCKjSw-XL.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p><img src="http://dadipentak.smugmug.com/photos/i-4Qd3Hmh/0/XL/i-4Qd3Hmh-XL.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p><img src="http://dadipentak.smugmug.com/photos/i-JnnGL89/0/XL/i-JnnGL89-XL.jpg" alt="" /></p>


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<p>Hi all.</p>

<p>Jermal- nice capture with the model portrait. <br>

Bob- We all really love your images. Please don't push yourself so far that you do something permanent. I still have to learn all those orchid secrets of yours! Great landscape!<br>

John, couldn't agree more with Nick, that Mt Hood image is a real keeper.<br>

Dave, the lens looks pretty good to me. Pretty remarkable macro capability. Is it like 1:2 or 1:4?<br>

Nick- the lighting looks good to me. All my museum shots typically look like museum shots, yours looks pretty life-like (as far as fossils can be) to me.<br>

I rather (foolishly) got up at 3:30 am last night, drove 90 miles to a salamander spot and got some decent images. Drove back to Indy (about 60 miles) and got there in time to teach my 8:00 am class. That on top of daylight savings! I'm pretty beat, but I did get some decent images. Will maybe share some next Sunday.<br>

Cheers all.<br>



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<p>Morning sun on the kitchen counter.<br>

K-5 & da40, Quick selective color done with Lightroom adjustment brush<br>

<a title="IMGP2126-Edit by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP2126-Edit src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8107/8537191594_c7481a508f_z.jpg" alt="IMGP2126-Edit" width="424" height="640" /></a><br>


We spent the night at a guest ranch located at some nice hot springs after a great day of powder skiing with my wife, son, and a couple of his close friends to celebrate his birthday. After a very stormy day I was pleased to see the sky clear up and reveal an amazingly starry sky.<br>

For this shot I used the intervalometer and shot 120 10s exposures and then stacked them using ImageStacker.<br>

K-5 & da15<br>

<a title="IMGP2896-IMGP3015 by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP2896-IMGP3015 src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8087/8545397285_5a2bf62bf4_z.jpg" alt="IMGP2896-IMGP3015" width="424" height="640" /></a><br />.<br>

Here's a different view and mono conversion of the same place. I really liked that deer skull against the starry sky!<br>

K-5 & da15<br>

<a title="IMGP2892 by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP2892 src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8390/8547781612_d09f5c18c8_z.jpg" alt="IMGP2892" width="424" height="640" /></a></p>


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<p>That is why I was out on the ridge at sunset looking for the comet somewhere around Mt. Hood. Too many clouds, but I think I did better without the comet. Probably pretty small. Still cloudy again today. </p>

<p>There is supposed to be a really bright one in November, bigger, brighter than any of us alive today have ever seen. Hopefully we will have more of a chance.</p>

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<p>Thanks Douglas!<br>

I may try to view and shoot the comet tomorrow evening. I'll have to bring my son but he's usually game for these outings. I think it should be pretty clear. It should be near the moon tomorrow too so it may be pretty nice.<br>

John, I'm also looking forward to ISON!</p>

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