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<p>Hi! I'm new on this forum so I'm not sure if this is in the right place.<br>

I am a teenager and I am very interested in photography. I'm not very good yet but I spend a lot of time practicing and learning how off the internet and books, but I was wondering if any of you knew how I can find people to learn from?<br>


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<p>Try Facebook, Google+, Flickr, Meetup, etc., to find photographers in your area. You may find some loosely organized groups who meet occasionally for photo walks. </p>

<p>Of course you should be cautious when first meeting with new people. Stick to public meeting places and areas, let family and friends know where you are - just the usual caution you'd want to exercise any time you go out, whether it's for photography or grocery shopping.</p>

<p>Colleges and community/junior colleges often offer non-credit classes for basic and intermediate photography.</p>

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<p>+1 for the camera club. Having people better than you critique your photography is one of the best ways to learn. So, you want to find a club that offers evaluations, competitions and critiques. Many clubs are more social or equipment oriented, these won't help you as much, although they still can be enjoyable.</p>
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<p>Hi Isabel,<br>

if you havent bought it already, BUY BRYAN PETERSON "UNDERSTANDING EXPOSURE". It can be found on AMAZON. It is brilliant and will teach you the basics - its so easy to understand and his style is funny and chatty.....it certainly helped light my fire :))<br>

I find magazines (I am in the UK), are just fabulous as well....and flickr, where you get to share your pictures for feedback. This website is very good as well, as I have found there are plenty of enthusiastic technical people who are really helpful answering your questions. There is alos a photo critique forum on this site which is good, becuase people can comment on your work, which helps build your confidence.</p>

<p>hope that helps and good luck xxx nicola</p>

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It is nice to have people to talk to and discuss photography. You might get some good ideas on where to go for photo shoots and interesting ideas for photos. However, you might not know if people have true knowledge of the technical aspects of photography. Many people know just enough to be wrong and give wrong information. When I first started into photography, several friends gave me advice that was wrong.


One example would be, "Hold the camera close to the subject to get the right exposure. A reading right off of a person's face will give the right exposure for the face." That sounds good but it is wrong. The camera meter tries to average out all the lights and darks in a scene. If all it sees is a white face it will be "fooled" and give the wrong exposure, one stop underexposed. It was only on reading books on exposure that I learned why all my photos of white statues, taken with the camera right on the statue, were very underexposed. Even on this site I have seen people give wrong technical advice. But, at least there are many other people who come in and correct the error.


Being with other people can be helpful and fun but I would read the books suggested above and also find information on the LEARNING tab at the top of this page.

James G. Dainis
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<p>Are you attending High School or University? - if so there might be several opportunities right under your nose - there might be a Camera Club - but there might also be a School / Uni Publication or Drama Group or Sports Group - these groups usually have a "photographer", who is a Student attached to them – you could volunteer to assist.</p>

<p><br />WW</p>

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<p>Bryan Peterson is a great person to learn from and he has a website & videos too. But my suggestion is pick one subject you like then search for that. For instance if you like bird photography... Then "outdoor photography" is what you search for, then it will narrow down to birds<br>

-type of bird<br>

-the bird you want to photograph<br>

-the style or techniques that capture that bird<br>


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