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Install of partially exposed 35mm film


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<p>I certianly can figure out how to do this with a fully manual focus camera. Just insert the film, set shutter speed to 125 or so, put on the lens cap or go into the closet and shoot off 15 or so shots of 'blackness' in order to protect the original shots on the roll.<br>

But with the Minox 35, there is no way to control the shutter speed. Going into a dark room to shoot off 15 shots will only cause the shutter to remain open for several seconds on each shot. That's not good for the battery as it'll drain it and not good for the shutter as it'll overload the circuits.<br>

Any way to do this?<br>


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<p>Thanks Martin.<br>

This also occurred to me: remove battery from camera. Shutter won't work at all. But is there any mechanical movement opening the blades even slightly? Whenever I've looked from the inside of the camera, if the batteries were bad, I'd see no light at all. Seems this may be another approach, unless I'm overlooking something.<br>

As far as developing 15 shots on a 36 roll, I'd just prefer to use the additional 20 or so.<br>

thanks all<br>



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