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Photo does not look the same after exporting.

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<p>I was wondering if someone has come to the same issue as me. Im using Lightroom 4 to edit my RAW files but after I'm done and i Export the photo i doesn't look the same as the finish file in Lightroom, Grain comes back and i really confused why.</p>



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<p>If the changes you're making aren't being reflected in the export it's one of two things:<br>

1) you're not resaving the image prior to your export. I don't believe lightroom commits changes automatically.<br>

2) you have the image stacked and you're on the wrong level of the stack. (that one has bitten me)</p>



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<p>I've had the same issue, that I remedied by reducing, ' Edge sharpness.' Edge sharpness for some reason with varied images becomes exaggerated after posting online, or gives off the appearance of grain. So I just deleted the image, went back to shop reduced the Edge sharpness, and Voila. Thing is it doesn't happen all the time.</p>
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<p>So i have tried what you said Don. David Lightroom save changes automatically.<br>


What you said still doesn't fix my issue. I had sharpness applied in the photo and took it off but still grain comes in. The thing is that the photo is underexposed, im exposing it "correctly" in lightroom and that looks to be the problem. At least that what a friend told me. The weird part is that in lightroom the photo looks great but when i Export it, it comes out correctly exposed but with Grain.</p>

<p>He said that theres an option to fix this issue in lightroom but he cant remember what is.<br>

Hope you guys can come up with an idea. Is very frustrating! :)</p>

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