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How much has Panasonic learned from Leica


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<p>Hello all<br>

I thought the best way to get an informed answer to this was from Leica owners with experience of Panasonic cameras- apologies if this steps on any toes.<br>

I recently got my Panasonic GX1 back from repair after accidentally throwing down a mountain. I was very concerned about the quality of this repair but after several test shots and general kicking about with it, I feel that it might be even better than it was before I damaged it. In particular I have been experimenting with Hi ISO shots and am astonished at how well it copes at ISOs as high as 2,000- to be sure in colour it looks a bit compromised but converting to monochrome both tones down and softens the noise, making it look quite pleasingly grainy. I recently read a review of the X2 (I have asked about the X2 in a previous threas some times ago, not wanting to repeat) in which it was opined that the noise was very film-like and bordering on pleasant. I do not wish to over-emphasise the link between Leica and Panasonic models and do not delude myself that I've got a Leica on the cheap, but for me the monochrome settings on the GX1 do seem to closely resemble the more grayish tones of Leica shots I have seen. Is there a shared character between sensors? Is Panasonic learning or adopting a Leica-like character?</p>

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<p>I have a Panasonic GF1 with a 25mm Panasonic Leica Summilux 1.4 lens. The lens was made in Japan by Panasonic so I assume it's a Leica design. I also haave an M2, M4 and 7 Leitz lenses but have not done any comparason studies and cannot comment on any resemblences. However, I'm quite pleased with the results from the GF1 and 25mm Summilux. This is clearly a case of Leica helping Panasonic. </p>
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<p>I have a Panasonic GF1 with a 25mm Panasonic Leica Summilux 1.4 lens. The lens was made in Japan by Panasonic so I assume it's a Leica design. I also haave an M2, M4 and 7 Leitz lenses but have not done any comparason studies and cannot comment on any resemblences. However, I'm quite pleased with the results from the GF1 and 25mm Summilux. This is clearly a case of Leica helping Panasonic. </p>
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<p>I don't know who learned what from whom, but based on my Digilux 2, my D-Lux 3 and D-lux 4, it was a darn good thing they got together! I love the D-Lux series. I ought to get me a D-Lux 5 or 6! Leica has the lenses (and the name) and Panasonic has the electronics and the good processing engines.</p>
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<p>Panasonic learned from Leica that the Red Dot is a license to inflat prices, hence the badge-engineered models with bigger price tags. Doesn't hurt to charge more for the name appearing on the lens' front ring either.</p>

<p>When the co-operation first started, Panasonic had a web page saying their lens design had to be revised to meet Leica (licensing) standards. The page is now long taken down.</p>

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