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Easy DSLR Shutter Count

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<p>Not sure what qualifies for "good taste" in some other people's lives, Jeff Sudduth, but if its having an expensive, dust-covered album of perfectly staged event photos then a quickly-shrinking percentage of the population cares. And if they had to be done on "film" instead of "digital" then we're down to a miniscule chunk. I guess its easy to call someone else tasteless on a forum, but assuming that fewer, film-based photos is the measure of that is pretty darned tasteless on its own.</p>
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<p>Not sure what qualifies for "good taste" in some other people's lives, Jeff Sudduth, but if its having an expensive, dust-covered album of perfectly staged event photos then a quickly-shrinking percentage of the population cares. And if they had to be done on "film" instead of "digital" then we're down to a miniscule chunk. <strong>I guess its easy to call someone else tasteless on a forum, but assuming that fewer, film-based photos is the measure of that is pretty darned tasteless on its own.</strong></p>



<p>Eskewing even a DSLR and running around with a compact digital camera firing away like mad to fill Pinterest with 1,000 photographs from a single event is not a film vs digital debate my friend.</p>

<p>Also realize just because something is popular with young people doesn't necessarily mean it is the pinnacle of good taste. Anyway we are talking about weddings here. Young ladies are more than happy to wear the same dress their grandmother got married in. Young men are perfectly happy wearing morning suits that are reasonable facsimiles of what their grandfather got married in (assuming their grandfather could afford one). I've never heard anyone complain about pulling away from a church in a Rolls Royce that is similar to the model that drove their parents away from the church. 30 years from now I can't imagine anyone regretting some good quality posed wedding pictures on medium format film and getting some nice prints made. Young people running around excited today may not appreciate it but when those albums get pulled out 30 years from now and there are no corrupted files, or incompatible disks or lord knows what people will appreciate it. If that is too retro some high quality DSLR prints should suffice. A nice framed print on a wall is timeless. Facebook is the myspace of 2016.</p>

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<p>Anyway Dave there are different market segments. And one thing I like about digital is the democratization of photography. A lot more is getting recorded by a lot more people. That is a positive thing. I just don't like it when quantity gets conflated with quality. I also don't like it when new gets conflated with quality. Also things are not mutually exclusive. I would certainly like a frenetic snapper at my wedding to record all the stuff I was too busy getting married to see. But I would not throw the nice posed shots overboard in favor of that. Neither would I toss out high quality medium format film for compact digital. A DSLR and at least a few posed shots would be a reasonable starting off point I would think. Adding whatever to that would be fine. But a wedding is one unique day in your life. For most people a smidgen more care and formality wouldn't hurt.</p>
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Just to continue the digital vs film thread that this has devolved to - I am much more convinced that those printed photo

albums are at greater risk than are the many copies of digital files that will exist. And the digital photos will be viewed

frequently in more than the one dusty album in the one home where it is stored. The world has changed and its not going



I do agree with your points about people wanting to get dressed up and that they are liable to pose for shots. But that is

now only a portion of what comes out of a wedding event. It's no longer the only reason for the official photographer to be


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